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[30 minutes later]

Hoseok left for somewhere,dropping me to their dorm. I entered his room, sat on the couch and started to scroll my phone being bored. But suddenly I heard some little noise of someone talking from outside of his room.

"I thought I was alone here...." I murmured to myself,while peeking outside of the door.

However, I started to follow the sound, and reached in front of the store room,which had it's door unlocked. I pushed it,and the sound got more clearer. I started to follow the sound again,and to my surprise, there was a hidden door!

Opening the door, I found stairs towards the ground floor. I slowly started to walk down from the stairs, and found a passive with, probably eight doors. One of them had it's door slightly open,from which the sound was coming.

I peeked into the room,while hiding myself behind the wall.

"Done hacking successfully!"

"Good job hyung!"

"I guess we should use plan B at this stage!" someone in a black hoodie said.

*gunshot right on his head

Namjoon shot the man in a black hoodie from behind. I got choked at the sight and took one step backward.

"WHAT THE...! "(In her mind)

Jimin hovered upon that man,took out his phone and showed it to Jin.

"Plan successful!" Jin said with a smirk.

Namjoon smirked and said, "Now just wait for the time...and 'Everything' is done!"

"What are they even talking about?!" I said to myself in my mind. In the meantime, Namjoon was coming towards the door,and I ran back towards Hoseok's room, without anyone's notice.

I had just entered Hoseok's room while hiding myself from others, when my phone rang up.


"Y/n! It's me! Ryujin!"

"What happened?"

"If you're free, can you come?"


"Come in front of the school dorm. I'm waiting...."

"But---' without letting me finish my word, she cut the call..... "But Hoseok forbade me to.... Whatever, it's better to hang out with her than getting bored like this" I said to myself while leaving a massage to Hoseok,

"I'm going out with my friend....see you later!"

[10 minutes later]

I reached at the place where Ryujin told me to come,but I couldn't found her, and then out of nowhere, she grabbed my wrist from behind, and took me into a car.

"Where are we even going?!"

Without answering to my questions, she handed me a gun and a black mask saying, " Don't ask questions. We have many things to do yet...." Her face was covered with a black mask.

Some long later we arrived in front of an abandoned factory, which hadn't been under use for many years. We got down from the car, and went into the broken gate of the factory.

But that day,there I found minimum 8-10 people standing with guns and clubs around the main building.

"You know how to shoot,right?" she whispered.

"Umm...yup..." I said with a voice full of confusion.

"Don't worry...we're here to save someone...."

I silently nodded.

"But I don't think it'll be easy to go into there avoiding those nuisances..." I said while pointing at them.

"Umm...maybe.... ready wit will do!" she whispered while pointing to a man who was standing beside a truck which was quite metres far from us.

"If you can shoot him, I'll answer to one question....got it?! One answer per each goal!"

I nodded and fixed my target right at the man, and fortunately, I could shoot the man....and the other men ran towards the man who was shot. In the meantime before they got scattered to find us, we ran towards the entrance from their back and hid ourselves around a corner at the main building.

"Good job!" she said with pleasant eyes.

"You said you'll answer one question..." I said smirking.

"Well....we're here to kill someone in order to save someone.... Understood?"


She said without looking into my eyes, "If you don't wanna get caught, I don't think we should stay here for too long...."

"But the ways before us are full of CC cameras....!"

She took a glance at me,smirked and said, "Please check if they are turned on or not."

"Huh?!" I said noticing that most of those cameras were out of connection.

"How come---"

"Even if they catch us,it won't be too worse...."

Without letting me ask anything more, she stood up and said, "Follow me!"

We passed by the room no.1 and entered into room no.2, which had it's lock broken. We hid ourselves behind the wall.

"Seems like you've come here before" I whispered.

She took a glance at me and said, "Well..... I said one answer per each goal!"

I smirked and rolled my eyeballs,and then, out of nowhere, someone smacked on my head and I angrily looked behind.

"WHO THE---"(loud whisper)

She pressed my mouth with her hand and said smiling, "Long time no see, Mam!"

"Huh?! HAN SO-HEE?! YOU?!"

"I don't like to talk much, dude!"


"Well....I said one answer per each goal, Y/n!" Ryujin said smiling.

"What the fuck are you guys planning to do?!"

"Well...don't worry.... But Ryujin, don't you think that that she agreed to come here with you itself is a goal?" she said sitting beside me on the ground.

"Well....as you wish..." Ryujin said without lifting her head up.

"WHO ARE YOU?" I asked to Ryujin.

She put her hand into her pocket,and took out a keychain which looked almost the same as the one I found at Suga's room, except the name tag. Her keychain had Suga's name written on it.


"My name is Mirae...."

"You-you are Suga's first love?"


"But he said his first love is a pia...."

"ONE ANSWER PER EACH GOAL!" she said without looking at me.

"Uh-huh! Are you guys here only to talk?!" So-hee said.

"What next?!" I said with an angry tone.

"Well...you'll need to get caught" So-hee said with a smirk.


"Don't worry....it's one of our plans....."

"Well.... Imagine that I'm the one who is carrying the responsibility to catch you..." Ryujin said and sprayed something on me,which made me go senseless....

"YOU BITCHES!", this was the only thing I could say before losing my sense.

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