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[Time skipped]

[9:00 pm]
Y/n pov.

Getting ready, I was waiting for Hoseok in front of the mansion,and,as expected, he came in time.....

But this time,he didn't have any guards with him. He came alone, with his car. He stopped his car in front of the mansion,came out and approached nearer to me. He grabbed my wrist and said, "Shall we?"

I nodded and got into the car with him. He was wearing a white shirt, with a pair of glasses, which made him look even more handsome.

I picked a nice and comfy white top for that day

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I picked a nice and comfy white top for that day.

As he started driving, he asked me without looking into my eyes, "You didn't mention where to go...."

"Wherever you wish to..." I smiled and said.

He took me to a resturant,which was pretty gorgeous. He picked a seat located into a comfy room(seperated from the other seats,which was perfect for people to spend some private time together).

He ordered the food,and after a while,a waiter served some delicious meals before us. The whole time,he stayed silent as I was silent. As he started to eat, I started eating.

"So yoh were going to say something---"

"Let's finish the food first."

He nodded. We finished our food and a waiter cleaned the table after some times.

He lifted his head up, sat beside me and wrapped his arms around me. He leaned nearer to my ears and said,

"Just say something, love...."

I sighed and said, "Well.... The thing is, I guess you already know that I found my 'Family'."

He sighed and nodded.

"You knew everything from the beginning,right? You could have told me before....."

He smiled warmly,tightened his grip around me, and said, "Are you angry at me?"

I nodded. He kissed on my cheeks,looked into my eyes and said,
"Don't you believe me, Y/n-iee?"

I smiled warmly,and nodded. He rested his head on my shoulder and said, "I won't betray you, LOVE....."

He removed his hands from me. I looked into his eyes and sighed.

"What happened?"

"Well, do you guys know anyone named Ryujin?"

"Umm.....no? Why?"

"Well, nothing......"

He gazed at me for a while, with eyes full of anxiety.

"Well, who is Suga's first love?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious."

"Well, according to him,that's his piano", he said,without looking into my eyes.

I stayed silent,looked down, and suddenly felt a pair of soft lips on top of mine. I closed my eyes tightly,and, after a while, we broke the kiss due to shortness of air. He looked at me,fixed my hair and said, " I think we should go, Y/n-iee...."

I nodded. We both headed back to our own places after that.


Taehyung's pov.

Taehyung's pov

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"Hey you fucking ass! How dare you..."

*another gunshot

I dragged an empty bottle of wine, broke it and made a deep cut on my own hand,just as a proof that I was the one who got attacked by them. I put some of my blood on their knifes, threw the broken bottle outside,pulled my hoodie till the edge of my face and left the place quitely.

"Does it hurt too much?"

She nodded. I took her on my back and said, "Don't make any sound until I tell you to...." She nodded again,and wrapped her arms around me tightly.

I safely got into my car beyond any of their guards' notice, and drove it towards our dorm. She stayed silent all the way. As I went inside and took her to the ground floor, our maids rushed to dress her wounds.

"Don't you miss your home?"

"I-I don't have one, Oppa....."

Tears slowly started to roll down from her eyes. I wiped her tears and said,

"What about your parents?"

She lifted her head up, but didn't say anything. Then out of nowhere, she started to rub my wound that I made there, and the cuts that I had while fighting with them.

"You are h-hurt!!"

I smiled and said, "Don't worry. Elders can tolerate anything."

She hugged me and started to cry. I patted on her head. She said, "C-can you be my Oppa from now on....?"

I rested my head on her head and said, "O-ok...." Beyond my notice,my eyes were filled with tears,too.....

Jin and Jimin noticed me hugging her. They approached nearer and Jin asked her, "What's your name?"

"Woo Jin"

Jin hyung looked at me and said, "Let's find a home for our Woo Jin."

I smiled and nodded. The maids got busy to dress my wounds and took her to a restroom.

As they left, Jimin sat beside me,and said, "We are not too heartless,right?"

"Not all mafia princes are actually the same..." I smiled and said.

"What are you going to do about Woo Jin,though? She doesn't even have a family to live with...."

"Maybe, I'll be sending her to...."

"Your parental home?"

I stayed silent,and looked at him.

"Whatever, let's get some sleep, Taehyung-sshi...."

I nodded. We both got up and headed to our rooms.

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