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"Y/n, you don't have an umbrella,right?"

I nodded.

"I have one. You can come with me... Or if you wish,take mine... You can give it b....."

"Thanks,but sorry... I'm heading to the resturant. You'll g...."

" But Jimin said the resturant is closed today.(savage smile)"

I was literally lost of words... How come he knew everything about me?!

"We all are having a get- together party today. You can join us if y...."

"No,thanks.. I don't have that mood right now."

I was about to leave, but then he grabbed my wrist.

"Then you're going to your 'Home'?"

"(stays silent for a while)(sighs) Ok, I'll go with you...."

Hoseok seemed to be happy hearing that... However, I started to walk with him... After a while, he started to play with that umbrella, moving it in the air making both of us wet....

"Oh,Hoseok! You're too childish! Stop doing that! We're gettin' wet!(laughs)"

" (Laughes) It's your punishment for not wishing to come with me at first...."

"You should grow up, Hoseok! You're still a baby!"

We kept laughing together like this, but when my eyes had a sight of his smile,my heart started to beat fast.... Idk why,but this smile.... I mean, it felt like I had seen this smile before... Idk why, but whenever I'd see his smile, it melted my heart,and.... Wait! The man! The man who stopped me from committing suicide that day! It was him?! The smiles looked totally same, the same voice....! I stopped walking and looked at him.


" What?"

" Can I ask......"

I was about to ask him about that day, but then,out of nowhere, he 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 me!!! I was totally JUNGSHOOK!!! His lips were even softer than rose petals..... When he removed his lips from mine, I glanced at his eyes,sighed and looked somewhere else..... I was feeling like I'd lost all my words that I was going to say..... And then, suddenly, it felt like somebody whispered in my ear "𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮". Whatever, without making any other words, I started to walk again..... I didn't even noticed that the rain had stopped. He closed the umbrella, hold my hand and walked.... I couldn't say even a word on the whole way....

Hoseok pov.

(In his mind)

"From the day when your eyes made my heart beat fast till now, only you are the one who have been in my heart.... I wish I could tell you who you are to me... I was with you, I'm still with you, and I'll stay by your side forever, whatever it takes....".

I knew that kissing her must've confused her really.... But some feelings can't actually be controlled....

"We're here!"

"What's this place,though?"

Although I told her that we were going to have a get-together, but where I took her was actually our dorm, the place where we lived together.

I knocked the door, and Jimin opened it...

"Y/n?! You?! What a surprise! And hyung! We've been waiting for you for so long! Whatever, today is gonna be fun, I guess!"

As we entered, Y/n was totally shocked to see all my friends, named Taehyung, Jin, Jimin, Suga and Namjoon. Not actually seeing them, but actually noticing that it wasn't actually a get-together party at all,but it was just like a little home where some boys lived together without their parents...

" Huh?! Hoseok?! You said you guys have a get-together party, but what's this?!"

Taehyung said, "Hyung, you told her that we have a get-together?(laughs)"

"Well, that was the only way to make her come here(smiles)"

Namjoon: Well, this is our dorm, Y/n. Our parents live far away from Seoul, so all of us friends live here together, like a family!

" Owh?!(takes a glance at Hoseok) Then who are you two? (Points at Suga and Jin)"

"Well, my name is Suga AKA Min Yoongi. And this is Jin. We are the 'Older brothers' of these boys.(smiles)"

"Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon! You three never told me that you all live together, or you have another three members too...."

"We were going to,but you never asked.... "

Y/n stayed silent and looked at me. I said, "Whatever, let's have a party right here,now". We really had a short party at our dorm with Y/n... Although she had to go home late that day, I could see her happier than ever.... Just to watch her smile and have fun with my friends made me forget about all the darkness of my life....

[Time skipped]


Y/n pov.

"I wish I could also have true friends like them.... Whatever, even though my most 'Trusted' friend betrayed me, I wish these people won't betray me ever.... Maybe, this is what friendship is called", I murmured.... Hoseok asked," Y/n, did you say something?"

"No... It's already late... I think I should go home,now...."

"Right now?!"


"All right,your choice... But should I drop you to your....?"

" No,it's ok!(leaves)"

I wemt home late that day,and, as always, I found 'Them' sleeping.... Although I went to bed early that day cuz' of being tired, I just kept thinking about those memories, those feelings of having fun with friends..... And from that day, as time passed, I and Hoseok started to become close friends,beyond the notice of any of us.... Soon, I started to feel like I also had a friend circle,a group which loved to see me smile,to see me smile.... And a friend who only wished to keep me happy and safe always, named 'Hoseok'.....

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