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[1 day later]

3rd person pov.

"Maybe, the time has come, Hoseok!" Namjoon said.

Hoseok silently nodded, covering his face with his hoodie.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Umm....let's wait until Y/n wakes up..."

"As you wish..." Taehyung said.

Hoseok got up, went towards Y/n's room. He entered her room and slammed the door close.

He sat beside Y/n, who had been senseless for a quite long time. He hold her hand, kissed her forehead and stayed sitting beside her while softly caressing her forehead.

Y/n's pov.

When I woke up for the first moment, I heard them talking like...."The time has come..." and so more. My sense couldn't catch who, but it could clearly catch a voice which I knew really well.... Hoseok!


And then,suddenly, someone entered my room,sat beside me,and kissed my forehead. I slowly tried to open my eyes.

"Y-y/n! Y/n!!"


He removed his hood,leaned towards my lips and kissed me.

"Feeling better?" he asked after breaking the kiss.

I nodded and tried to get up. His forehead was covered with band-aids, and he had a scar on his cheek. I softly started to rub his cheek,and he hugged me.

"I missed you Y/n-iee.." he whispered.

I stayed silent. He weakened his grip, got down from my bed,and said, "Take some rest, Y/n...."

"Rather than taking rest, I'm in the mood of getting out of this room, Hoseok!"

He picked me up in bridal style out of nowhere.

"Yah! I can still walk, Hoseok!"

He smiled and got me down.

"Where are the other members?" I said while peeking out of the room.

"Probably at the yard" Hoseok said while holding my hand.

We both headed to the yard. All the other members looked at me with pleasant eyes, but all of them had atleast one or more major or minor injuries.

"Y/n-sshi! You woke up?!" Suga said with a little smile.

I nodded,and suddenly I felt someone giving me a back-hug. Jin gave me a back hug,but didn't say anything.

I turned back at him, patted on his shoulders and stayed silent.

"I'm just bored to be in a sad mood,everyone! Let's have some fun as we do always!" Jungkook smilingly said from behind.

We played games, gossiped, laughed together.... It felt like long time had passed since I could smile with them..... That warm feeling....

[2 weeks later]

[Around 7:00 pm]

*on a phone-call

"Please be on time, atleast for tomorrow!"


"I'm serious, Ryujin!!"

"Ok!" (laughs)

She laughed and cut the call. I headed towards my home,as I didn't have much work that day. But suddenly, a boy around my age, called me....

"E-excuse me!Beautiful!" he said with a dirty smirk.


"We are opening a new dance club hereby.... Are you interested?"

"No..." I said and started to walk on my way. But then suddenly,that boy grabbed my wrist harshly. I lifted my head up and looked at him with fierce eyes.

"WHAT THE F...."

"Just shut up your fuckin' ass and come with us!"

I kicked on his ass,freed myself from his grip and started to run as fast as I could, while trying to call Hosoek or any other members.

I was about to call Hoseok,but then somebody tugged my hair harshly, making me stop running. I was about to punch on his face,but then suddenly someone shot on his arm from behind.

That man who got shot pushed me harshly,and I fell on the ground losing balance. In the meantime, he and his fellows attacked the man who shot him. They fought for a long-while,and, however, those nuisances surrendered for that time.

I somehow got up, approached nearer to the man who saved me,and to my utter surprise, it was Hoseok.

He hold my hand tightly, pulled me towards the corner of an abandoned shop, pinned me on the wall and kissed me.

Breaking the kiss, he put both of his hands on my cheeks and said,

"I'll be dropping you to our dorm.... Don't go anywhere until any of us say.... FOR GOD'S SAKE!!"

"But who the fuck were they even?!"

He removed his hands from my cheeks, came closer to my ear and whispered, "Y/n, you believe me, right?"

I looked down and nodded.. He took me into his car and headed towards their dorm.

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