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[Present time][At night]

[At the ground floor of their dorm.... The place which nobody knows about except them ]

Hoseok pov.

[Hoseok used to often take drugs whenever he would be depressed.... And as the other times, he was taking drugs at his room at the ground floor....]

"Hoseok! You need to

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"Hoseok! You need to....!"

"Just shut up, hyung! Please!"

"I know it's not easy, but Y/n needs to know about....."

"I SAID NO! NOT AT ALL!" I yelled....

"Even if you don't do so, I'll go tell her myself... Cuz' she is even more important to me than to.....!"

I ran to Jin hyung,pulled his shirt collar, and punched on his face..... He fell on the ground, due to losing balance.....

He somehow got up and said, "Hoseok.... I know you're going mad,but....."

"We can't let Y/n face the same fate as Mirae!" Suga hyung yelled from behind....

I kneeled down on the floor, tears started to roll down from my eyes..... "Hyung, I love Y/n!!"

"I know, Hoseok! But do you think she'll never get to know?" Jin hyung said.

I hugged Jin-hyung and said " S-sorry hyung.... For getting mad at...."

"It's ok...." (pats on Hoseok's back)

"Isn't it too early, hyung?! Why...." (cries)

Suga hyung sat on the ground beside me.... "I too used to love Mirae like mad, Hoseok! But just because we were late......"

He couldn't finish his sentence.... He became silent and hid his face.....

(Sighs)"Whatever, atleast Y/n won't be the sufferer......"

I rested my back on the wall, and looked down.....

"Suga.... Let's let him be alone for a while.... "

"Hmm...." (doesn't look at him)(nods)

They left.... I stayed still on the floor, cried all night.....

"S-sorry Y/n-ie! Don't misunderstand me,please!" (cries)

[One week later]
[At school]

Y/n pov.

Hoseok didn't come to school.... I even looked for him at the dance club,but he wasn't even there.....

However, I was taking some of my stuffs from my locker,and then, I found a bracelet with a letter kept on my books.... "Wait! This bracelet! The bracelet I lost years ago! How is it here even?!"

I opened the letter.... It said,

"I'm really done hiding my feelings,Y/n! I love you! And I
WANNA BE YOURS! I wish you understood what I meant....."

From Jung Hoseok

Well, this time, I was literally shocked.... That means.... I mean.... WHAT THE HECK?!

However, I kept the bracelet with the letter into my bagpack....

And then,out of nowhere,Lisa pushed me.... She pretended like she didn't notice me at all.....

"Sorry, Y/n!" (rolls eyeballs)

However, when she put her hand into her locker to take out her books, I slammed her locker door close,making her shout out of pain....

"What the fuck did you just do,bitch?!"

I let go off the metal door, and said, "Oh sorry! I didn't notice!" (smirks)

Yurim grabbed my hair harshly,and slapped on my face......

"You think you are too brave,huh?!"

I freed myself from her grip, looked at her with fierce eyes..... I smirked and punched on her belly.....

"You bitch! Wanna get beaten?!"

"Let's call Min-ho!(Jungkook was still known as Min-ho at school) He'll take care of....."

"She totally has the permission to bully you.....!" Min-ho(Jungkook) yelled from behind.

"You?!" I screamed.

"Fuck you!" Yurim yelled at both of us.....

However, I pushed Yurim, and walked away with Jungkook.....

"What were you doing here,anyways?"

"Well, I was going somewhere.... Whatever, Bye!" (weird smile)

I smiled back and waved a goodbye to him..... But then stopped,noticing a deep wound on his right hand....


"Hmm?" (stops)

"What's that wound on your hand?"

He looked at me, sighed, and said, "You don't need to know...."

He left. I found his behaviours weird... Like, Hoseok wasn't at school today.... I found a confession letter from him into my locker.... And now I found a deep wound on Jungkook's hand.... "What the heck is going on?!" (in her mind)

[Time skipped]

I was walking towards my dorm,as the resturant was off today.... I was immersed in my thoughts,just then I dashed with Jimin...


"Oh! Y/n! I was looking for you!"


"C-can we talk?"

"Umm...why not?"

I started to walk together with Jimin..... He too had wounds on his forehead...

"Jiminie, can I ask you something?"


"What have you guys been doing lately?"

"Why do you ask?"

I looked at him and sighed.... He hold my hand,and said, "May I say something? "

"Go on...."

"I l-..."

He couldn't finish his sentence,when my phone rang up..... I took my phone out of my pocket, and found that Hoseok was calling....

I hold the call...
"Hello? Hoseok?"

"Y/n, are you free tonight?"

"Maybe, yup!"

"Can we go somewhere together,then? I mean dinner....."

"A-alright! I'll call you later.... Bye!"

I put the phone back into the pocket,and looked at Jimin... The whole time when I was talking to Hoseok,he was looking down... His hands were shaking slightly.....

"So what were you going to say....?"

"N-nothing! Whatever, Bye,Y/n!"


"Idk but these days, they are actually being too weird...." (in her mind)

However, I left for my dorm after that......

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍, 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝? 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛,𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚢𝚊'𝚕𝚕 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝:)

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