chapter VIII.

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|| the next morning ||
When i woke up and got outside of my room, i didn't see Pedri anywhere. I guessed he had some individual training or medical checkup.

I didn't put much thought into it and decided to make myself a breakfast.

|| pedri's pov ||
During the dinner yesterday is was far from Juni. I wanted to have her close to me. I was watvhing her the whole time,she kept talking to João. He is new on our team and he seems nice but i don't like that he is talking to Juni.

But why?
I'm not jealous
Am i...?
No way. Juni is my friend.

I was confused about whatever i was feeling.
The whole ride back i didn't say anything to her.

After we arrived to my house,i didn't even tell her 'good night'.

I couldn't sleep.
My mind was thinking about my feelings towards her. She was on my mind. I looked at the time and saw it was 2:47 am. I sighed and got out of my bed. Put on my hoodie and hood on my head and sweats with some shoes and went outside.

It was chilly weather. It wasn't cold nor hot. It was a perfect weather for late night walk.

I was so confused about my feelings. I couldn't love her. She is my friend and she recently just broke up. I don't know what i feel towards Juni.

I arrived to the beach,i checked the time again and saw it was 3:17 am. I sat down on the sand and starred on into a sea even though i couldn't see it much because it was dark.

Some noise was in the background,of course it was. People were out partying. It's spain in the end. Some could even celebrate our win.

I was also sad that i couldn't olay but what can i do right? I have to rest,and work hard to come back soon and stronger. But i can't rush it to prevent another injury. I'm mentally stable person so i was able to handle both,pressure and being injured but sometimes it just hits you.

I spend good 2 hours on the beach and suddenly it was around 5 am. I got up and wiped off the sand and decided to walk some more.

I wanted to talk to someone but i knew everyone would be asleep. But then i said to myself:

If i don't text them,i will never know if they are truly asleep or not.

I decided to text my brother.

                              hermano 💪
                                                     ¿Estas despierto?
                                                       (Are you awake?)

Acabo de despertar, ¿que pasa?
¿Por qué estás despierto tan temprano?
(Just woke up,what's up?
why are you awake so early?)

                                                                   no dormí
                                                            (I didn't sleep)

¿Por qué?

                               Supongo que hay demasiados
                                pensamientos en mi cabeza.
                               (I guess there are too many
                                thoughts in my head)

¿Que pasa?
(What's up)

                                                   ¿Recuerdas a Juni?
                                          (do you remember Juni?)


                             Ella está de vuelta en Barcelona
                             y vive temporalmente conmigo.
                            (she is back in Barcelona and
                             she temporarily lives with me)

¿No vivía ella en Italia
con ella novio?
(Didn't she live in Italy
with her boyfriend?

                                      Sí pero ella rompió con el y
                                      por eso ella volvió.
                                (yes but she broke up with him
                               and that's why she came back)

Ya veo, ¿y de qué quieres hablar?
(i see, and what do you
want to talk about?)

                                             Creo que me gusta ella
                                             (I think i like her)

Joder Hermano😅
(Fuck brother)

                         Yo sé pero no estoy seguro de qué
                 es exactamente lo que siento hacia ella
                                 (But I'm not sure what exactly
                                  I feel towards her)

Lo dijiste, te gusta ella
pero tienes miedo.
(You said it,you like her
but you are scared)


Sí por qué tu la amabas
en ese entonces y ella
se fue con eso cabrón
(Yes because you loved
her back then and she
left with that bastard)

                                                           no se si la amo
                                creo que siento algo hacia ella
                                                               No se lo que
                                           (I don't know if i love her
                         i think i feel something towards her
                                                     I don't know what)

¿Por qué no vuelves a casa?
por unos días y descansar,
piensa en todo.
(Why don't you come home
for a few days and rest,
think about everything)

tal vez lo descubras
lo que sientes por ella
(Maybe you'll figure it out
what you feel towards her)

                             Aunque tengo formación médica
                            (I have medical trainings though)

Intenta preguntar y verás.
Para mejorar físicamente
es necesario estar
sano mentalmente.
(Try to ask and you'll see.
in order to get better physically,
you need to be healthy mentally)

                                 Vale,le preguntaré al personal
                                     y te lo haré saber hermano.
                                     (Ok,i will ask the staff and
                                               let you know brother)

A/n: well this is getting interesting isn't it?
What do you think will happen next? Does pedri like juni or he is just confused?

[ excuse any grammar errors in both,spanish and english ]

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