chapter XXIII. - ''hurt''

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|| pedri's pov||

Don't ask me why did i even replied to that cabrón.

Always hated him. I hated him because he 'stole' Juni from me,made her move to Italy to him and in the end he hurt her.

But i just hurt Juni too. But she doesn't know.

And also Sebastian doesn't know where exactly Juni is so the possibility of him coming here,is rare because why would he come here without knowing where she is.

I tried to just forget about it. About him and mainly about her.

''Hola hermano, ¿quieres venir a jugar al FIFA? Ha sido un tiempo (Hey brother,do you want to come over and play fifa? It's been a while)'' Pablo told me after he came out of a shower.

''Si, Por qué no. déjame ducharme y podemos irnos (Yes, why not. let me take a shower and we can go) i told him and went to take a quick shower.


We arrived at Gavi's and he turned on the playstation and eventually the fifa. We played for a bit,Gavi played dirty by trying to tackle my team but it made me getting penalty which i got and scored but after cheering for a while,i paused the game.

''necesito hablar contigo sobre algo (i need to talk to you about something)'' i suddenly said.

''si quieres burlarte de mi ni empieces y sigamos el juego (If you want to make fun of me, don't even start and let's continue the game)'' he replied and rolled his eyes.

''no, no se trata del juego. creo que la cagué (No, it's not about the game. I think I screwed up)'' i said.

''¿Qué?(What?)'' he asked,probably not understanding what i meant.

''Juni. lo arruiné todo(Juni. I ruined everything)''
saying her name hurt. Not gonna lie.

''si arruinaste algo, intenta arreglarlo (If you messed something up, try to fix it)'' Pablo said.

''no puedo arreglarlo. Si se entera de lo que hice, nunca me hablará, pero eventualmente se enterará si él viene aquí. (i can't fix it. If she finds out what I did, she will never talk to me but she will eventually find out if he comes here) i explained,while my hands were in my hair.

''Vaya, vaya, más despacio. En primer lugar, ¿qué hiciste y en segundo lugar, qué quieres decir con "si viene aquí"? (Whoa, whoa, slow down. Firstly, what did you do and secondly, what do you mean by "if he comes here"?) He was confused and i felt ashamed and embarrassed to tell him but he is my best friend. He will know what to do.

''Le dije al ex de Juni que ella está en Barcelona y me dijo ''hasta pronto'' (I told Juni's ex that she is in Barcelona and he said "see you soon")'' i said to him.

''joder hermano ¿qué hiciste? ¿Primero la alejas porque estás siendo un idiota al no querer admitir tus verdaderos sentimientos hacia ella y ahora le hiciste esto? ¿Eso pensaste? Te convertiste en un idiota en lugar de un idiota (fuck brother what did you do? first you push her away because you are being idiot by not wanting to admit your true feelings towards her and now you did this to her? what did you think? You became asshole instead of idiot'') Gavi said,clearly mad at me even though he didn't know Juni well. But I didn't blame him. I am an asshole for what i did.

''Sé que soy un idiota pero dime cómo lo soluciono (i know that i'm an asshole but tell me how do i fix it'') i said,about to break down in tears at this point.

''Dile a ella (tell her)'' Gavi replied.

''¿Me estás tomando el pelo? (are you kidding me?)'' i looked at him with red eyes.

never thought you'd do that - || pedri gonzález ||Where stories live. Discover now