chapter XV. - ''la amas ¿no?''

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It did made me sad to be honest.

I didn't really want him to leave.

I knew i fucked up and it's partly my fault that he is leaving now. Even if it's just for three days.
I got used to him.

He is over at Pablo's. I would go there but he probably doesn't want to see me. That's why he is there and not here.

I'd lie if i said that i didn't cry. I did.
I cried myself to sleep. Even though it was only around 3 or 4 pm.

|| Pedri's pov ||

I was still at Pablo's,playing fifa. I thought about how Juni was doing. Sure,she was rude to me but i still cared about her. I didn't really concentrate on the game even though i wanted.

''Qué sucede contigo (What's wrong with you)'' Pablo asked as he scored now 5-0 against me.

''Nunca (Nothing)'' i replied while staring blanklx on the tv.

''solo regresa a tu casa si quieres hablar con ella (just go to your house if you want to talk to her)'' Pablo told me.

''Ella no quiere verme (she doesn't want to see me)''  i said leaning my back against couch.

''Realmente necesitas aclarar tu cabeza hermano (you really need to clear your head brother)'' He said as he paused the game.

''¿Quieres beber algo? (Do you want to drink smtg)'' Pablo asked.

''No, no puedo beber alcohol. mañana vuelvo a casa (No,i can't drink alcohol,i'm flying home tomorrow'' i said.

''Será mejor que vayas a un club o bebas algo de alcohol con tu hermano allí porque podría ayudarte a aclarar tu mente (You better go to a club or drink some alcohol with your brother there because it might help you clear your mind) Pablo told me.

[ timeskip BCN airport ]

''Vuelve pronto hermano (comeback soon brother'' Gavi told me as he hugged me and i hugged him back.

''Sí,gracias (yes,thank you)'' i said and went to check out.

[ 📍Tenerife, Canary islands , Spain ]

When i arrived,my brother was waiting for me at the airport.

''Hola hermanito, tardaste bastante, ¿cómo estás? (Hello,brother, took you long enough,how are you?)''Fer asked me and he did bro hug.

''Podría ser mejor, pero estoy feliz de estar de regreso aquí aunque sea solo por tres días (It could be better, but I'm happy to be back here even if it's just for three days) i admitted we both walked to his car.

''mamá hizo tus croquetas favoritas (mom made you yours favorite croquettes) Fer laughed making me chuckle.

''Bueno, estoy a dieta pero pocas de ellas no me matarán, ¿verdad? (Well, I'm on a diet but few of them won't kill me, right?)'' i replied.

I felt good already. I love my family.

Fer drove me home where mom and dad were. We spoke about what we were up to and how my injury is going. Then i went out with Fer so he could help me with my individual training. He took some notes and videos that later i will send to Xavi.

Then we returned home,i showered and me and Fer agreed to go on beach to have a talk since he knows what's going on in my head as i told him a few days ago.

No one was really there which was great. We put our towels on the sand and sat down,admiring the ocean,the waves and a sun that was sloes setting down.

''Miras hacia abajo, más de lo que parecías en los mensajes de texto hace unos días (You look down, more so than you sounded in text messages a few days ago)'' Fer told me looking in the front.

''Sinceramente no lo sé. Tuve una discusión con Juni y no hemos hablado desde entonces. Simplemente no me gusta que esté empezando a salir con Ferran a pesar de que es mi amigo. Pero sabes a qué me refiero. No quiero que vuelva a lastimarse (I honestly don't know. i had argument with juni and we didn't talk since. i just don't like that she is starting to hang out with Ferran even though it's my friend. But you know how i mean it. I don't want her to get hurt again)''
I replied.

''La amas, ¿no? (You love her no?)'' Fer asked me,this time looking at me.

''No sé (Don't know)'' i said.

''tienes que resolverlo (You gotta figure it out)''
He told me.

''Lo sé, pero no estoy seguro de lo que siento por ella. Quiero protegerla y verla con alguien que no soy yo me da celos aunque no debería estarlo (i know but i am not sure what i feel towards her. i want to protect her and seing her with someone who is not me makes me feel jealous even though I shouldn't be) i explained to him.

''Invítala a salir, nunca sabrás lo que siente por ti si no la invitas a salir (Ask her out,you'll never know how she feels about you if you don't ask her out)'' Fernando told me.

He is a true brother.

We spend some more time at the beach,talking about random stuff and then we decided to return back home,play some football and spend some time with our parents.


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