chapter XX. - ''2020''

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( a/n : it's back in 2020 when pedri joined barcelona and juni moved in to the Barcelona for the first time )


''Are you gonna watch my training today?'' Pedri asked me over a phone while i was cleaning around my rented apartment.

It has been 5 months since i came to Barcelona after gratuating at my home country. And also 4 months since me and Pedri became. He was so sweet from very first moment. He also had came to Barcelona few months ago from his home island Tenerife to live his dream. And somehow destiny has brought us together.

We actually met in the Barça museum where i applied for a job before i came here to Barcelona and fortunately they hired me. But that's almost half a year old history.

Since the day one we met there we had been hanging out.

''Yeah i will come,what time?'' I asked while wiping of the dusk from my shelves,tables and literally everywhere.

''5 pm as usual. We can go eat something later or just hang out'' he said,trying to think about what we could do after his training already.

''Yeah sure,why not. But you gotta get going and preparing because you literally got just 15 minutes to get ready and get there. I can be you'll be late already and get extra laps to run'' i said with evil grin on my face which he obviously couldn't see.

''Yes ma'am but it's not like you're all ready too,you are literally cleaning during our call'' he said annoyed but it was obvious acting.

''Yeah but unlike you,i can be late since i'm only a spectator'' i replied,going into my closet.

I had become silent after that.

''Let me guess'' Pedri suddenly said.

''Guess what?'' I asked confused.

''Your upcoming sentence'' he was starting to laugh.

''Go on then'' i said while starring at my closet.

''Pedrooooo i have nothing to wear'' he mimickef my voice. It was so funny actually.

''But it's trueee,i have nothing to wear'' i complained.

''Come on just throw something on your self,it's not like it will make you prettier anyways'' he answered probably going through his clothes too but for him it's not a big deal. He is a man and he is literally gonna train in his barcelona training set.

''Pedro González López i swear to god'' i said loudly while going through my clothes. I didn't bring everything from my home country so i truly didn't have much of a clothes. I truly needed to go shop for clothes.

''You're one funny girl Juni,let's just go shopping afterwards yeah?'' Pedri said.

''Shopping with you? No thank you. You don't have the sense of a fashion'' i replied,putting on my favorite black parachute pants and black crop top because it was warm weather.

''rude'' Pedri replied.

''Is your brother driving you to the practice?'' I asked while appying a lipbalm.

''Yeah i have driving test next week so until then my brother will be driving me. I would ask you but you don't have a car here'' he laughed a little and i did too because it was true.

''I'm on my way by the way'' i said to him.

''Yeah Fer is pulling over so i gotta go too,see you'' he said and hang up,not even letting me to respond.

[ timeskip - after the training ]

''Where shall we go?'' I asked as he came to me after he showered and changed into his regular clothes.

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