chapter XVIII. - ''se acabó''

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|| juni's pov ||

I fucked up again,didn't i?

My thoughts got cut off by a knock on the door.

''Hey Juni how are you?'' Ferran asked as soon as i opened the door and closed them. He hugged me afterwards.

''Not that great honestly'' i replied.

''What's up? Pedri is coming back today so you should be happy'' he said as he pulled out if the hug and looked at me.

''I know,i just finished a call with him. Well he did.'' I said,a little sad because i think i made him upset again.

''What happened? Didn't you apologize?'' Ferran asked as he followed me into a living room.

''I did,and i think he accepted it and asked me to hangout,i told him not today because you're coming over he said 'whatever' and ended the call'' i sat on the cough,hugging a pillow that was beside me.

''Ahh i see,he probably got jealous'' Ferran laughed.

''I think we should stop this whole thing we have together. Actually it's not like we have actually anything going on right? We were just trying to make Pedri jealous,we did and i feel like we are hurting him'' i said,looking into Ferran's eyes.

''I know what you mean but we are just friends'' he replied.

''Yeah but he sees us two like we are something more,we gotta stop acting like there is something going on and act like friends'' i said to Ferran who was sitting beside me.

''Whatever you want Juni' he said and got up.

''Where are you going'' i asked.

''Why'' he asked.

''We had plans'' i said,following him.

''I thought you didn't want to continue'' he replied.

''We are still friends Ferran,it doesn't matter what we planned and did,i still want ti hang out with you'' i said,stopping him from leaving.

''Okay'' he replied. I think he was grateful that i told him that.

|| pedri's pov ||

I went to Pablo's after i ended the call and made up my mind.

''Entonces dime otra vez, ella se disculpó y le pediste que saliera contigo pero ella dijo que tenía planes con Ferran, ¿así que terminaste la llamada?(So tell me again,she apologized and you asked her to hang out with you but she said she has plans with Ferran so you just ended the call?)'' Pablo asked as he sat beside me,eating a beef sandwich.

''¿Qué se suponía que debía hacer? A ella ni siquiera le importa. La ayudé con todo después de que ella rompió con ese imbécil y ¿ahora qué? Ella prefiere a Ferran antes que a mí que así sea, ya me importa un carajo(What was i supposed to do,she even doesn't care. I helped her with everything after she broke up with that asshole and now what? She preffers Ferran over me so be it,i don't give a fuck about her anymore)'' i said,sitting beside him.

''Estas celoso ¿no?(You are jealous aren't you?)'' Pablo asked.

''Joder, ¿por qué debería hacerlo? Cuantas veces te digo que solo somos amigos y dudo un poco que todavía lo seamos porque ella está siendo una perra conmigo(Fuck,why would i? How many times do i tell you that we are just friend and i kinda doubt we still are because she is being a bitch to me)'' i replied.

''En serio, tienes algún problema con ella y ustedes dos deben resolverlo.(You seriously have some problem going on with her and you two gotta figure it out)'' Pablo said,while still eating his food.

''Voy a salir esta noche, ¿tú vas?(I'm going out tonight,are you going?)'' I asked,getting up.

''Desde cuando sales a discotecas(Since when you're going out to clubs)'' Pablo asked.

''Desde ahora(Since now)'' i replied

''¿Entonces te vas a arruinar por culpa de Juni?(So you're gonna ruin yourself because of Juni?)''

''No digas más su nombre delante de mí, se acabó. Lo que haya sido. Se acabó (Don't say her name in front of me anymore,it's over. Whatever it was. It's over)'' i said and left.

That's probably how i went kinda downhill...

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