Chapter One

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Billy Black wheels himself out of his house and he beaks at Kalyan Suzuki as she steps out of her Jeep. He hasn't seen her since she left pregnant.

"Where is that daughter?" Billy asks after the two hug in greeting.

Kalyan smiles as she stands after she had to lean and hug the wheelchair-bound Billy. "Her and Haruto are at the house unpacking, I believe." She sees Jacob come outside, his hair to his lower back.

"This is Jacob, my youngest," Billy says. "He was born right at three years after you and Haruto left."

"You look like Sarah," Kalyan says and Jacob smiles. "I'm Kalyan, I was your mom and dad's best friend."

"Hi, I'm Jacob," the boy says. "Hey, Dad? Can I go to the movies with Bella and her friend Mike?"

"Yeah," Billy replies. "Be safe."

"I will." He gives his dad a hug. Jacob goes to the orange truck as it pulls up but stops when his dad ironically laughs. "It was nice to meet you, Kalyan."

"You knew she was already on her way, didn't you?" Kalyan asks her friend once Jacob gets into the truck with a girl.

"I answered her call earlier; of course I knew," Billy replies smugly. "Want to come in?"

"I should unpack and then go check out the reservation hospital," Kalyan replies. "I'll bring Keiko by so you can meet her, Billy, I promise."

"You'd better, Kalyan," Billy warns and she smiles warmly at him before going to her Jeep.

"How's La Push?" Connor asks over a group Skype call with Janina and Keiko that night.

"It's beautiful, but I haven't seen much of it yet," Keiko replies. "My mom's going to show me around tomorrow. She starts work the day after. I'll look for a job myself."

"I miss you," Janina says. "Lisa's been acting all miserable since you left."

"I forgot she's in college with you guys," Keiko murmurs.

They talk for a long time before Keiko decides to end the call. She goes downstairs and finds her dad watching a Japanese documentary on a VHS tape. She curls up to him on the couch and she watches it with him. Haruto kisses her head and they focus on the film while Kalyan makes some kimchi fried rice and some spicy baked chicken for supper.

Another Chance (L. Clearwater)Where stories live. Discover now