Chapter Nineteen

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Keiko is wrapped up in Leah's arms outside of the Black residence while Kalyan and Carlisle work on Jacob inside, with Sam in there, getting the downplay of Jacob's injury. Emily has a hand on Billy's shoulder, the man flinches at Jacob's screams.

An older truck comes speeding into the yard and Bella comes hurrying out. Keiko goes to her and she touches her arm as the girl freezes as Jacob lets out another pained scream. Bella grabs Keiko's hand in horror and luckily, Leah is now pacing and not jealous. She's passed at Jacob, not Bella.

"My mom and Carlisle have been working on him for about thirty minutes now," Keiko says as they watch the house.

Bella glances at Billy. It's taking everything within him to keep it together as he grabs Emily's hand for reassurance.

"They're re-breaking his bones," Embry adds. "Well, Doctor Leach is, Kalyan is helping reduce the pain with morphine but it keeps de dissolving quickly."

"Why'd he have to butt in?" Leah grumbled as she paces, her temper topping off since she doesn't have Keiko in her arms. "I could've taken that tick..."

"Oh, give it a rest, Leah," Paul cuts her off firmly.

They all spin around when the door opens. Sam, Carlisle, and Kalyan exit the house. Kalyan and Keiko meet halfway and the two hug.

Carlisle looks at Billy with a soft expression. "The worst is over," he says. "He'll be alright."

Belly exhales heaving, tears threatening. Sam walks over and he places a hand on his shoulder while Emily wraps herself in Sam's other arm.

"I gave him some morphine, but his body temperature keeps burning it off," Kalyan says. "Don't worry, Doctor Cullen, I'll handle the morphine drip."

"Very well, Doctor Blackrock," Carlisle says with a soft smile.

"Can you tell Haruto hello for me?" Kalyan asks tenderly.

"Of course," Carlisle says. He glances at Bella. "He's asking for you."

Bella walks inside.

"Leah, babe, let's get out of here," Keiko murmurs. "You're upset. You need a..." She pauses and she drags Leah for, causing the girl to actually laugh. "You need a full body, nude massage," she says once they're away from Kalyan.

Leah grabs Keiko's face gently and she kisses her. "God, I love you," she says.

"I love you," Keiko replies. "Now let's go. I want you naked in thirty minutes."

Leah shifts right there and lays down. Kalyan watches proudly as her daughter climbs on and Leah runs off.

"How's the wolf?" Jasper asks as Carlisle returns from La Push.

"He'll be okay," Carlisle replies. "Haruto, Kalyan sends her greetings. She's a talented doctor. The reservation hospital is extremely lucky to have her."

Haruto smiles. "She's good, then?"

"She's good," Carlisle replies. "Keiko is, too. She and Leah were leaving for some couple things to calm Leah's temper down. Some things I can't say because you're Keiko's father."

"Enough said," Haruto says and Emmett booms in laughter before gasping when Rosalie hits him in the head.

Haruto smiles at the two and Carlisle goes to take a shower because he smells like a wet dog.

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