Chapter Thirteen

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"Holy smokes!" Seth exclaims as Keiko comes downstairs at Sam's in a cute and revealing outfit

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"Holy smokes!" Seth exclaims as Keiko comes downstairs at Sam's in a cute and revealing outfit. "Are you really sure you're gay?"

"I am," Keiko replies. "And even if I was, that'd be weird. You're my girlfriend's little brother and you're far too adorable. You wouldn't be able to handle me."

Seth blushes at the last sentence and Leah smirks.

"Which Cullen will you flirt with?" Leah asks teasingly. "The pixie or the blonde?"

"The blonde," Keiko replies. "She's hot. But there married and have mates." She pouts playfully and Leah grins. "Are you okay with this? Me going?"

"You should go and have fun," Leah says. "Flirt with the blonde, see the humans, be human."

"Most of all - see your dad," Sam says as he and Emily emerge from the kitchen. "You look great, Keiko."

Keiko smiles. "Thanks, Sam," she replies as Jacob walks in. "Looks like my ride's here." She walks over and kisses Leah on the lips before she pecks Seth's cheek and walks out, everyone laughs at Seth's even deeper blush because of his crush on Keiko.

"Hey, gorgeous," Keiko greets Rosalie as soon as she approaches her and Emmett after abandoning Jacob, Embry, and Quill.

"Damn." Rosalie's eyes take her in. "I love your outfit, beautiful."

Keiko grins. Emmett's jaw drops as Rosalie and Keiko flirt and he watches and listens, very invested in each flirty comment the vampire and human make.

Feeling Emmett's sudden desire, Jasper turns and he laughs a little when he sees Rosalie and a girl flirting right in front of him and he walks over.

"Jasper, this is Keiko," Rosalie says, "Haruto's daughter."

"You look like him," Jasper says. "I'm Jasper Whitlock-Hale."

"Keiko Suzuki," Keiko says and she shakes Jasper's cold hand. "Now as much as I enjoyed meeting you and how gorgeous Rosalie is, I want to see my dad now. Please."

Rosalie hooks an arm with hers and she leads her through the crowd while Jasper lingers to tease Emmett. Rose leads Keiko outside to a secluded area and Haruto turns.

"I'll leave you alone," Rosalie says. "Alice can see the future so if she sees anything happening, one of us will come out here."

"Thanks, Rose," Haruto says. He walks over and he engulfs Keiko in a hug full of love. "Watashi wa anata ni aenakute sabishī," he says.

"I've missed you, too, Dad," Keiko murmurs as they hug.

Meanwhile, Rosalie returns to Emmett, who is now alone.

"That was the hottest thing I've ever seen you do, and I've seen yo do a lot of hot things," Emmett comments as he pulls Rosalie's body against his, their lips close to touching, the atmosphere turning intensely warm around them. "You and Keiko, flirting... Rosalie, you're killing me."

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