Chapter Twenty-Three

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Seven weeks later.

Leah has left Sam's pack to join Jacob's in Forks to protect a pregnant Bella. A three-month-pregnant Keiko went with her after apologizing to her mom. Keiko has been living inside the house with the others while Rosalie pampers her. Rosalie's fondness of Keiko is why Leah trusts the Cullens enough for Keiko to live there or else she'd have pushed her back to the reservation.  

"Sam's lost the element of surprise," Jacob says to the Cullens and Keiko as they sit around the den, "and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on, he's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity."

"He won't get through without a fight," Emmett grumbles as he glances at Keiko, who is wrapped in a quilt while sitting beside Rosalie on the loveseat.

"No fights," Carlisle speaks up. "We won't be the ones who break the treaty."

"The treaty is void in Sam's mind," Jacob says.

"Not in ours," Esme says softly.

"Guys," Emmett speaks yo, "no one's hunted in weeks."

"We'll make do," Esme claims, though she's unsure herself.

"You've done us a great service, Jacob," Carlisle says sincerely. "Thank you."

Keiko steps out onto the balcony and she touches her barely there, but starting-to-swell belly. She watches as Jacob and Leah talking at the outskirts of the yard. Leah looks up at her.

"Keiko and the baby are why I'm not going back," Leah says. "I'm not leaving my girlfriend or our baby, Jacob, so please accept me into your pack. I'd rather be in yours than Sam's. I'm not leaving Keiko or our unborn baby."

Jacob stares at her. "Fine. You can stay."

Rosalie puts her cover she doesn't need over Keiko. Rose got a bed for Keiko when she and Leah first came to Forks for Bella and Seth. She looks at her door and she sees Emmett. He's smiling. He's proud of Rosalie.

"I'm proud of you," Emmett says.

Rosalie smiles fondly at him. "Thanks," she whispers. "That means so much more than you'll ever know." She glances at Keiko before she goes outside. "Leah...  Keiko is asleep in mine and Emmett's room for anytime you want to check on her."

"Thanks," Leah mumbles before she shifts.

"The whole vampire smell, it's too much for her right now," Jacob says to the blonde. "Once she's used to it..."

"I know," Rosalie replies. "I'm glad she's here, Keiko really loves her."

"Leah loves her a lot, too," Jacob says.

Rosalie nods and she goes back inside to check on Bella.

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