Chapter Twenty-Two

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Emmett and Haruto are talking when someone suddenly pushes through them. They see Keiko grab Leah's face and kiss her, making everyone awe at them.

"Damn," Mike Newton grumbles. "Of course she's a lesbian. They pretty ones are."

Emmett smirks at his comment and Haruto rolls his eyes at the blonde teenager who is obviously jealous of Leah. Leah and Keiko go and they sit down in their seats when Esme Cullen tells them that it's almost time. Sue smiles at Keiko in greeting as Seth sits to Keiko's free side and Sue to Leah's. Billy is here, Kalyan is his date.

When the bridal march begins, everyone stands and they turn to the French doors as Charlie and Bella step out. She looks absolutely stunning in her elegant white wedding gown and she's walking well in the heals that she hates. Her hair is done up amazingly and her makeup looks perfect.

"She looks stunning," Keiko murmurs. "Oh, I'm crying..."

Haruto, who is sat behind her, gives her a handkerchief.

"Thanks," Keiko murmurs and she wipes the tears away. She's already an emotional pregnant person. They all sit down and Leah grabs Keiko's hand as Minister Peter Weber begins the service.

"This finally happened, hun?" Haruto asks Billy and Kalyan as he approaches them when a genuine smile during the reception.

"Yeah," Kalyan replies. "How are you?"

"I found my mate today," Haruto says. "She's like me. Her name is Tanya."

As soon as he says this, a vampire walks over. She has eyes like the Cullens with blonde curly hair and pale skin. She's beautiful.

"Kalyan, this is Tanya," Haruto says. "Tanya, this is my ex-wife and the mother of my daughter, Kalyan Blackrock."

"Hi!" Tanya greets and she shakes Kalyan's hand. "It's so nice to meet you. I met Keiko earlier and I totally understand why I can't lure Haruto back to Alaska. She's great."

"Perfect," Kalyan agrees. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tanya."

"Your mom's meeting your dad's mate?" Rosalie asks as she joins Keiko's side.

"Yeah. I met her earlier," Keiko says. "Tanya seems nice."

"She is," Rosalie replies. "You and Leah seem so happy."

"I'm pregnant with a surrogate baby, our first," Keiko says and Rosalie gasps.

"Oh, my God, congratulations!"

"Why is Keiko getting congratulated?" Bella Cullen asks as she and her new husband walk over.

"I'm pregnant," Keiko says. "Leah and I got Sam to be our surrogate. I just found out."

Bella smiles and she gives her a hug. "Congratulations," she gushes and she pulls away. "You'll make a good mother."

"I hope so," Keiko replies. 'Hi Edward. Don't forget a condom.'

"Keiko!" Edward gives her a glare and Keiko grins.

"What?" Keiko feigns innocence.

"You hang around Emmett way too much," Edward comments and Bella doesn't dare ask, nor does Rosalie; Rosalie does, however, goes and finds her own husband to scold him passionately.

'I hope you two have a great honeymoon, Edward, seriously,' Keiko thinks. 'She seems happy. Jacob said she was a mess when you left; don't do it again.'

"I won't leave her again," Edward says and Bella's demeanor softens.

Keiko nods and she goes to drag Leah to the dance floor. The two dance close together and enjoy each other until it's time to see the bride and groom off.

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