Chapter Ten

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One month later.

"So what are the Cullens again?" Keiko asks as she cuddles with Leah on Sam's couch.

"They're cold ones, or vampires..."

"Or leaches," Paul blurts, cutting Sam off. "They stink. They suck. They drink blood."

"The Cullens don't feed off people," Sam says, glaring heatedly at Paul for cutting him off before he softened and looks at Keiko. "They have a vegetation diet. Bella Swan is with one."

"Bella?" Keiko frowns. "Jacob's obsession?"

"Hey!" Jacob throws a pillow at her and she grins. "I am not obsessed with Bella."

"Oh, yeah you are," Embry Call says.

"Definitely," Jared says. "If Keiko was a wolf and could see our thoughts, she'd know that you just lied, Jake."

"Ahh, shut up," Jacob groans and waves them off.

"Yeah, that Bella," Sam says. "But we have a treaty. Their kind can't come over here, and shifters can't go over there."

Keiko nods slowly. "Vampires are real, too. Sure, why not? What about fairies? Unicorns? Leprechauns?"

Paul smirks. "Leah, your girlfriend's freaking awesome," he comments.

Leah grins. "I know, right?" She hums as she squeezes her hold on Keiko. "She's helping me with my Japanese pronunciation." 

Keiko sighs. "And she sucks at it."

Leah gasps and Keiko starts laughing when Leah tickles her. When she snorts, the boys - all but Sam - join in and Keiko is a laughing and snorting mess.

Haruto is walking through Seattle after seeing a movie with some friends from the station. He is going to grab a gift for his wife when he comes across a red haired woman with red eyes. He knows about those tribal stories and of course he believes they're real, so he knows that she's a vampire.

"What do you want?" Haruto asks her in a firm voice, holding his head up strong, trying to hide his fear.

"I wish I was sorry for this but I'm not," the woman says. "Welcome." She goes to bite him.

"Bite me, I don't care but I won't join you," Haruto says sharply.

"That's fine. I have plenty." The woman bites him and Haruto screams as her venom floods him and she runs off.

"Where's Edward?" Esme Cullen asks her family as they finish unpacking and redecorating their home.

"With Bella," Rosalie Hale replies bitterly. "Where else?"

Carlisle sits up when they smell a newborn. Carlisle goes and opens the door and finds....

"Officer Suzuki?" Carlisle sees his fresh crimson eyes.

"A redhead turned me in Seattle," Haruto says. "Can you help me?"

"Yeah, come in," Carlisle urges and Haruto enters the house. "Guys, this is officer Haruto Suzuki. He was just turned by Victoria. In Seattle."

"Victoria's behind the army?" Alice Cullen asks.

"Yes," Haruto replies. "She didn't care that I didn't want to join her. She bit me anyway."

"Well, welcome," Carlisle says. "I'll have to call the Reservation. The treaty."

"Ah..." Haruto closes his eyes. "I have to tell Kalyan and Keiko."

"Who are they?" Rosalie asks.

"My wife and daughter, they're tribe members, imprints," Haruto says to them.

"Damn," Emmett Cullen mutters. "Twist."

Rosalie hits his arm. "Behave," she hisses and she looks at their newest member. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, Haturo. Welcome to the family. I'm Rosalie, this dumb ass is my mate, Emmett. This is Esme, Carlisle as you know, Jasper, and Alice. Edward is currently out."

"Thank you," Haruto says. "It's nice to meet you all."

Esme hugs Haruto greeting and he pulls out his ruined phone. Rosalie hands him hers and he calls his wife first. She cries when she learns and then he calls Keiko.

"Hello?! Guys!" Keiko laughs. "Stop!" She moves to a quieter setting, Sam and Emily's back porch. "Hello?"

"Hey, Koibito," Haruto greets.

"Dad?" Keiko frowns as Leah joins her.

"Keiko... I have to tell you something... are you around Leah?" Haruto asks.

"Yeah, Dad, I'm with Leah, and the pack," Keiko says. "What's wrong? You're worrying me."

"I'm a vampire," Haruto says and Keiko is silent. "A redhead named Victoria turned me in Seattle."

"Hi, Mr. Suzuki," Leah greets. "Keiko just stormed off. You were turned?"

"Yeah," Haruto replies. "She's going to need you more than ever, Leah."

"Don't worry, I've got her, always," Leah assures. "Are you okay?"

"No, because now I can't see my wife or daughter," Haruto says.

"I can have Sam let her be at the treaty signing so you can see Keiko," Leah says as Sam comes out. He nods in confirmation. "Sam wants to talk to you."

"Hey, talk to me."

Haruto leans against the counter and he explains everything to the wolf alpha.

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