Chapter Eighteen

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Haruto is with the Cullens in the field, ready to fight. He wants to keep his little girl safe, even if she's in La Push. He wants to protect the humans in Forks, to protect Bella, to protect the coven.

"Don't worry," Rosalie says to the man. "Your daughter's fine. She's safe and secure in La Push, her scent is completely masked. I couldn't even smell her and she smells pleasant. It also helps that she is an imprint." She glances at the rock where Leah and the pack are and she turns back to Haruto. "Carlisle says if a shifter imprints on a human, they're no longer... desirable to be killed by vampires, no matter how good they smell."

Haruto hesitates before nodding. He perks up when he smells them. "They're coming," he announces lowly to where the shifters and his coven can hear, "and they're coming fast. Be ready."

Rosalie and Haruto share a look and they charge at some newborns as soon as they make their presence known after following Bella's strong scent. Haruto manages to take down two males at the same time with a satisfied smile on his face and he goes to help out Rosalie when she gets surrounded.

The wolves jump over a Boulder to join in on the fight and Emmett helps out Paul when the wolf gets surrounded by newborns. They all fight together, but at the end, Jacob ends up getting hurt protecting Leah and Haruto ripped the head off the newborn and threw him in the fire without hesitation and the wolves leave with him.

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