Chapter Eight

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It's now the day of Harry Clearwater's funeral. Cheyenne has closed the diner today for her brother's funeral, because it's her brother and the tm fire reservation will be there. Harry was one of the tribe Elders and he was well liked by everyone here. They wanted the service to be small, but Sue knew she couldn't stop the res locals from coming because they all adored her husband.

Keiko and her mother arrive right as Charlie Swan does. Keiko walks up to give Sue a hug and Seth. Leah doesn't even look at Keiko as she hugs her. She buries her face into Keiko's neck and Keiko hugs her back just as firmly.

Keiko goes to sit with her mother and Billy when Leah sits down and looks at her hands, crying quietly. Jacob soon walks in and he looks livid but he calms himself down as he sits with his dad, Keiko, and Kalyan.

"Everything okay?" Billy asks.

"There's a Cullen back," Jacob whispers and Billy tenses. "It was only one, Alice. The weird one. Bella left to Italy with her. Charlie..."

Billy glances across the funeral home at Charlie. He's talking to Haruto and Joshua. Billy sighs when he sees Joshua Uley here. He should've known he'd pop out of hiding when Harry's death was known. He turns back to Jacob.

"I'll be sure Charlie's okay," Billy says. "Let's just get through this for Sue and her kids."

Jacob nods with ease, understanding what he's saying. This funeral is what's important right now. They'll worry about the Cullens - vampires - coming back after Harry is buried. Jacob leans up to Sue and offers her his condolences. Sue squeezes his hand in thanks as Rebecca and Rachel Black, Billy's girls, walk in. They hug Sue, Leah, and Seth before they greet Kalyan and they greet their father and brother and Keiko and they sit down. They came in for the funeral but Rachel has college so she'll be heading back soon, and Rebecca has two children and a husband back in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Everyone goes silent when the service starts.

"I wish there was more I could do for them," Keiko says to her parents as they go home after the wake at La Push Diner that Cheyenne hosted.

"I know, same here," Kalyan says. "They'll need to mourn, my love."

"I know." Keiko sighs. "Watashi wa kore ga kiraidesu. Chichi o ushinau koto sae sōzō dekimasen."
(I just hate this for them. I can't even imagine losing Dad.)

"Not can I, my love," Kalyan replies as Haturo wraps them both in his arms.

Haturo kisses their heads and they hug in their foyer in silence as they think about the Clearwater family and their loss.

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