Chapter Five

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The Clearwater's house is cute. It's. Small two-story house out near the First Beach. The house is white with beige trimming and pale blue window panels. The door is light brown. There is a wrap-around porch and since the sun is setting, the front porch light is turned on.

Kalyan knocks on the door as soon as she, Haruto, and Keiko are on the porch. The door is opened by an older pan in a button down blue shirt, some jeans, and work boots.

"Kalyan..." The man smiles. "I'm glad you're back."

"So am I, Harry," Kalyan replies. "You remember Haruto... and this is our daughter, Keiko."

Keiko waves shyly and Harry smiles.

"Come in," Harry Clearwater urges and he lets them inside. "It's nice to finally meet you, Keiko. The last your mother was here, she was barely four months pregnant with you."

Keiko looks at Kalyan and back to Harry. "Really?"

"Yeah... but you're home now," Harry says to her and Keiko smiles, agreeing. "Come on. Dinner's right now ready."

In the dining room, there are three more people. One of them must be Sue, Kalyan's co-worker and Harry's wife. She has long, silky black hair with tan skin and deep brown eyes. She has soft and kind features. She's aged really well. The girl catches Keiko's attention, she's gorgeous. She has long, dark hair with deep brown eyes like Harry and Sue. Her brown eyes hold anger in them but her eyes take in Keiko as Keiko takes her in. The boy beside her is about fourteen, maybe fifteen, and he is flat out gawking at Keiko even if she's in a thick sweater and even thicker leggings.

"Keiko, Haruto, this is my wife, Sue," Harry says, "and these are our two kids, Leah and Seth."

"Hi, Keiko!" Seth chirps.

Keiko smiles. "Hi," she greets and Leah sighs when her brother blushes.

"You're really pretty."

"Soshite chō gei de," Keiko says and Leah snorts.

Leah can't speak Japanese because she can't pronounce it, but she understands it. She took it in class during her sophomore and junior year.

"Nice try, Seth," Leah says to her brother in a neutral tone, which makes Harry and Sue content because it's not laced with her usual anger.

"What? What did she say?" Seth asks.

"That I'm super gay," Keiko says as she and her family sit around the table. "You're adorable, but not my type."

Seth's mouth makes an 'o' shape as he nods. Sue chuckles at Seth because he didn't expect that.

"How did you manage to come out?" Sue asks Keiko. Leah, their bisexual daughter, just blurted out like ripping off a bandaid.

"My old friend did it for me before I was ready," Keiko replies and Leah studies the beautiful female. "I was bullied really bad after that."

"You won't have to worry about bullies here on the res," Sue says. "I know you're out of high school, but that doesn't change cruel people."

"That's why my mom wanted to come back home to La Push... said I'd be happier here and I know she missed it and really wanted to show it to me," Keiko says with a fond smile as Kalyan smiles. "The reservation is beautiful."

Leah grabs her fork and she gets some fish onto it. "You're from North Carolina, right?" She takes a bite.

"Charleston, yeah," Keiko replies. "But I was raided bilingual and my mom told me the tribal stories because they wanted me 'raised right'."

"Wise choices, Haruto and Kalyan," Harry praises and Kalyan smiles proudly.

"Do you believe the stories?" Seth asks her eagerly. "They sound so cool."

"They really do," Keiko agrees. "And I want to believe them. I just don't yet. There's no proof."

"Yeah," Seth murmurs as he continues staring at her. "Are you sure you're gay?" he asks randomly.

"Positive," Keiko replies. "I kissed a boy once. It made me nauseous."

Leah hums at that. "I can understand that," she says. After Sam Uley broke her heart, she's found boys almost repulsive. "Boys are a terrible species."

Keiko hums. "Agreed," she says.

Harry and Sue share a fond look as Kalyan and Haruto share the same one. Both set of parents then share a knowing look.

Keiko lays in her bed when they get home, in her pajama shorts and shirt. She stares at the ceiling. For some reason, Leah is still on her head. The angry eyes, her beautiful features. She finds herself smiling as she falls asleep.

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