Chapter Fifteen

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Now in the Suzuki, now Blackrock - Suzuki house -, Leah and Keiko lay in Keiko's bed, wrapped in a blanket and naked in each other's arms. They spent a few hours at Sam and Emily's before Keiko wanted Leah all to herself so they came here since Kalyan is with Billy and Seth's with Sue at the Clearwater residence.

"Jasper said that he likes the odds with you guys joining the fight, but I'm still worried," Keiko says to Leah sincerely as she holds he'd.

"I know you are," Leah coos as she holds her imprint. "I love you, Keiko."

Keiko moves and she gives Leah a tender kiss on the lips. "I love you, Leah," she replies sweetly. "I've thought you were the most prettiest girl I've ever seen since I met you, Leah Gayle Clearwater."

"You're my favorite person, Keiko Anahu Suzuki," Leah says firmly and she kisses her. "My absolute favorite."

Keiko cuddles up into her arms.

Meanwhile, in the darkened city of Seattle, Riley Biers is dragging Tristan Douglas though the shadows by the collar. Tristan is an athletic young man and he's barely conscious. Tristan is trying desperately to focus while he's pulled across the long stretch of the underpass, the bump on his head preventing lucidity.

"Stop... I..." Tristan cries out in pain as he's dragged over a stone.

Riley ignores Tristan as he finally reaches his destination. He releases the young man and allows him to drop hard to the ground. Tristan is blinded by the darkness, dazed, terrified. He starts to draw away. He doesn't see a pair of boots step up behind him. He manages to make it a foot away and he's about to run before a hand wrenches him back and Victoria forces him to his knees, his back to her.

Victoria shoots a smile toward Riley, and he enjoys that, backing away from the coming blood. Victoria yanks Tristan's head back and she smirks.

"Welcome to the army," she coos before biting his neck.

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