Chapter Four

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"Oh, my God!" Keiko laughs happily after ending a call on Friday morning. "I got the job. That was Cheyenne Clearwater. I start on Monday."

"That's amazing, baby," Kalyan says with a radiant smile. "Well, I have the day off. Your dad gets off at four. But I want to spend time with you. I want to introduce you to a friend of mine. Go get ready, please?"

"Of course, Mom." Keiko gives her mom a kiss on the cheek and she goes upstairs.

Kalyan smiles fondly. God, she loves her daughter more than life itself. Keiko is Kalyan's favorite person. It used to be her father and then he died. Then it was Haruto, but then she heard Keiko's heartbeat for the first time. Kalyan smiles as she remembers that day and she goes to sit in the living room to wait for Keiko to get dressed.

"Dad, why didn't you tell me about shapeshifters?" Jacob asks Billy.

"I did; I told you the legends, Son," Billy remarks. "You just didn't believe it. You chose not to. Why do you think Sam always kept a close eye on you? You're from a legacy."

"Did you... was mom your..."

"My imprint?" Billy smiles. "No... she wasn't. Me and my imprint decided our imprint bond would be best friends. I fell in love with Sarah as soon as I saw her."

"Who's your imprint?"

"You remember my friend from the other day? Kalyan?" Billy asks and his son nods. "Her. I imprinted on her when I shifted for the first time. A human girl who knows all about this."

"She knows?"

"Her father was one, she didn't get the gene," Billy says. "She saw him shift before."

Before Jacob can ask more about his mom or Kalyan, they hear tires on the gravel outside. The two share a look and Billy rolls to the door and opens it.

"Kal!" Billy smiles as he rolls down the ramp. He hugs the woman and she pulls back. "You must be Keiko."

The girl, eighteen, smiles. "Yeah. I'm Keiko."

"My rock," Kalyan says firmly. "Isn't she perfect?"

"She looks like you and Haruto made over," Billy praises. "Keiko, this is my son, Jacob."

Keiko sees Jacob blush and look down when she looks at him. She smiles. "Hi," she greets.

"Hey," Jacob greets. "Wanna come in? I was about to make some pizza."

"Ooh, I love pizza," Keiko says.

Jacob smiles, cheering up immensely, and he grabs her arm to drag her inside.

"I knew they'd get along," Kalyan says to Billy, her imprintee.

"Yeah." Billy looks at her. "How's Haruto enjoying Forks?"

"He likes the job and he says Chief Swan's great," Kalyan replies as they go inside, her pushing him up the ramp.

"I like the Chief, he's a good friend," Billy says. "What are your plans for the rest of the day?"

"We are having dinner with Sue, Harry, and their kids," Kalyan replies honestly. "Haruto works until four. It was just me and Keiko, and I wanted you to meet her."

"I'm glad you came by, I always am," Billy says. "I'm glad you're back on the res. My heart feels whole now. You know imprints can't go too far from the other. It leaves them feeling... empty."

"I'm sorry, Billy," Kalyan says. "After my father died..."

"I know," Billy replies as he grabs her hand kindly. "You're home now, where you belong. For that, I'm grateful."

Kalyan smiles as she sits on the couch near Billy's wheelchair. "What happened with Sarah, Billy? I came to the funeral, but... you wouldn't talk to me."

"It was a car accident," Billy says to her. "It's also why my legs don't work anymore."

"Have the doctors recommended any nerve replacements?" Kalyan asks him.

"Who would match with me?" He sees the look in her eyes. "No," he says. "Don't even think about it, Kalyan."

"My nerves will be fine, Billy, I'd still be able to work," Kalyan says. "And even if I couldn't, Keiko will still be taken care of and so will you."

"Kalyan, no," Billy says, shaking his head while Jacob and Keiko talk and laugh together in the kitchen. "I can't let you do that. Not for me. Okay? What if Keiko has a baby and you want to babysit? That surgery could damage your ability to play with your grandchildren."

"And what about Rebecca's kids?" Kalyan challenges. "What if Rachel decides to pop out a few kids? Or Jacob? You can't even walk or run to play with them, Billy. I want to help you."

Billy grabs her hand, his heart warm at the compassion in Kalyan's voice. That compassion is one of the reasons Billy is glad that she wound up being his imprint. He did sometimes wish it had been Sarah, but he's glad he got that chance to fall in love with Sarah and was able to have Kalyan as his best friend. And even though she moved to North Carolina with her own husband, she stayed in contact with the man.

"I know you do," he says. "That's why I'm grateful to have you in my life, but I don't need help. If I do, now I know I can call you." Pp

Kalyan smiles at him and they sit in silence after that, listening to Jacob and Keiko laugh together.

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