Chapter Three

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Keiko is in the middle of grocery shopping when her cellphone rings. She pushes her cart to where she's out of everyone's way and she answers her phone. 


"Keiko, hi! It's Luna from La Push Diner," a semi-familiar voice sounds through the phone. "When can you be available for an interview? Cheyenne is willing to see you."

"I'm currently getting groceries, maybe this afternoon?" Keiko suggests. "I'm free all day once I'm done here."

"Hold on, I'll go ask the Boss," Luna says.

When the line goes silent, Keiko carries on shopping, getting what she and her family of three needs.


Keiko stops by the meat. She grabs a packet of steaks. "I'm here," she says and then she grabs some pork chops and puts them in the cart with the steaks and everything else. She grabs some chicken.

"Cheyenne said you can come in at one this afternoon," Luna says. She's trying to stay calm, but the twenty-one year-old is excited to have a co-worker finally. And she hopes that Keiko is okay with being friends. Luna is friends with basically everyone. "Will one work for you, Keiko?"

"Yes, one should work," Keiko answers. "Thanks, Luna."

"I hope you get it," Luna says. "I have a lot of friends, but it never hurts to have more, especially friends you work with."

Keiko smiles. "Yeah. I hear you. I have two best friends back in Charleston, North Carolina, but they'd want me to make more," she says. "I'll be at the diner at one. I have to finish this."

"Of course; see you at one," Luna replies and the phone call ends.

Keiko finishes up her grocery shopping.

Keiko showers and gets dressed somewhat nicely before she walks to the diner since she doesn't have a car yet. She let Connor drive it and they crashed it, totaling it. Keiko told her mom no when Kalyan offered to buy her a new one. Keiko wants to save her money to get her own car, and one day, a place of her own.

Luna beams when Keiko enters. "You made it!" she boasts. "I'll go let Cheyenne know that you're about ten minutes early. She loves punctuality."

Keiko sits at the counter when Luna motions for her to and then Luna disappears. Keiko calls her dad.

"Hey, Princess," Haruto greets.

"I have an interview at the diner," Keiko says and Haruto smiles.

"Keiko?" Luna comes back. "She'll see you now."

"I have to go, Dad. 愛してます、" she says sweetly before hanging up and Luna brings her back to see Cheyenne Clearwater.

"How did your interview go?" Janina asks later on during a Skype call that night.

"I think good," Keiko replies. "Ms. Clearwater seemed like she was in a good mood when I left, so I'm optimistic. Luna is, too."

"Luna, a new friend?" Janina looks hopeful. "Connor! Keiko has a new friend!"

"Yay!" Connor yells, they're somewhere in the dorm belonging to Janina.

"Luna Chubbuck, she works at the diner I applied to," Keiko says. "I can see myself being close friends with her."

"Good," Janina says. "As much as Connor and I miss you, you're in another state now. You need more friends. After the whole Lisa thing, you need to replace her with someone better. Is this Luna chick better than Lisa?"

"Much better," Keiko replies. She hears the front door open and close downstairs. "I'm hopeful." She turns when her door opens. "Hi, Mom. How was work?"

"It was slow, but it was okay," Kalyan replies. "We were invited to dinner on Friday to the Clearwater's. Sue, a nurse, invited me. Her husband makes good fish, apparently. I'll run it by your father. Be sure you're free?"

"I'll try," Keiko says.

"Hi, Janina!" Kalyan waves at her daughter's friend and Janina waves back. "I'm gonna go shower and I'll make dinner."

Kalyan leaves the room and Keiko continues her conversation with Janina.

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