Chapter Twelve

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"Tell me something," Keiko says to her naked girlfriend as they lay in a bed at Sam and Emily's place.

Leah and Seth have been staying here a lot since Sue is in Forks at Charlie's a lot and Seth is out with Sam and Paul learning the ropes or he's at Embry's house playing video games,

"Why did we decide to have our first time here?" Keiko asks.

"Why not?"

"I'll show you..." Keiko releases a loud moan like she did last night while she and Leah were alone. She then holds up her hand and starts lowering each finger and as soon as the last one is down...


Jared bursts through the doors and puts his hands on his hip. It's only him, Paul, and Sam here. If Paul had come up, he'd have tried to jump in bed with them both because he and Rachel Black are starting their imprint bond off as friends.

"Hey, Kei, I think he wants to see us naked," Leah says.

"Yeah..." Keiko murmurs. "Perhaps Paul's rubbed off on him."

Leah hears Paul and Sam snickering downstairs.

"NO! NO! NO!" Jared yells as they go to move the blanket and he runs out and slams the door behind him, Sam and Paul now laughing loudly downstairs.

"I love you, Keiko," Leah says bluntly for the first time.

"And I love you, Leah," Keiko says.

The two kiss and Jacob walks in.

"Jacob!" Keiko sits up and glares, her sheet to her chest.

"Why does everyone keep walking in on us?" Leah snaps, too.

"Sorry." Jacob smiles. "I'm not here to be a dick like Jared was. Keiko, Bella has invited you to her graduation party at the Cullens."

"Will my... will my dad be there?" Keiko asks.

"He'll he in the house," Jacob says, "the blonde leach sent a message through Bella that she'll bring you to him if you come."

"Tell Bella I'll come," Keiko says. "My graduation party was just me, my friends, Connor, and Janina. Everyone was homophobic at my school in Charleston. I want to go to Bella's," she says when she sees the wary look Leah's facing her. "I'll be with Jacob, baby. I'll be fine."

"And Quill and Embry," Jacob adds. "She won't be going alone, Leah. We'll keep her safe. And her dad's there. Do you think anyone would try anything with her?"

"Plus, I really miss my dad," Keiko says. "Ever since the divorce papers have been filed, my mom's been sad but she's been with Billy every night after work since I'm with you. I don't get to see her as much unless I'm there to tease Jacob. I want to see my dad, even if it's this once." Keiko gives Leah a kiss. "Jacob, get out because I'm going to get up and I'm naked."

Jacob surrenders. "Okay. See you downstairs."

"Jacob just texted me," Bella says to the Cullens as she sits in their den. She feels Edward tense up beside her but she ignores that. "He said that Keiko is coming."

Haruto relaxes as soon as those words leave her mouth. "She is?"

"She wants to see you," Bella says kindly. "She said her mom's been been taking the divorce hard, but Billy's..."

"Good," Haruto says. "Good, I'm happy she's giving it a shot. He imprinted on her." He shows Bella the memory since she's not immune to his gift.

"That's sweet... Jacob's mom knew?" Bella asks.

"We both did," Haruto says. "They just chose us over each other. I love her but now's her chance. I'm a vampire now and she's in wolf territory... and she's the one who filed for divorce, not me."

"I'll bring her to you during the party," Rosalie says calmly and Emmett glances at her proudly. "What? You haven't seen her. Keiko is gorgeous. And she's a lesbian."

Emmett smirks and Haruto glares at him and he sends him a memory of a story one of his grandparents told him about what he did to a man who slept with an old wife and Emmett grimace and his smirk falls dramatically, making Rosalie smirk and high-five Haturo, she is so glad he joined the coven. Haturo was the breath of fresh air they needed.

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