Chapter Seventeen

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Leah lifts Keiko up in the Suzuki-Blackrock house and sits her on the kitchen counter. Keiko giggles at the way Leah handles her and she leans in and kisses her. The battle is in a couple of days and Leah's spending every waking second either training with the Cullens, the pack, or spending alone time with Keiko.

"I don't want to leave you in a couple of days, but I have to," Leah murmurs. "But don't worry, my love. I'll survive for you."

"Hey, I spoke to Sam and Emily," Keiko says. "After the battle... Sam said he'd be our surrogate if you want a family. Emily agreed since she can't have children."

Leah smiles. "Really?!"

"Yeah," Keiko says. "I want our children Quiluete and Sam's a good enough looking guy and he said his sperm's strong."

Sam and Emily went to the doctor about seven months into their relationship and found out it was Emily who was infertile and Sam's sperm is very strong.

"I can't wait to start my family with you," Leah says.

"I'll have to have my fertility checked and Sam has to be rechecked but... we're confident that our family can start, Leah," Keiko says as she grabs Leah's face. "Are you ready to be mommies, my favorite wolf?"

"Yeah," Leah replies. "I'm ready to be mommies, Kei."

The two kiss.

"You and Keiko are having your fertility checked after the baffle?" Emily asks her fiancée softly.

"Yeah." Sam smiles. "I might not be able to give you babies, but I can help out Keiko and Leah. They'll be beautiful babies. Look at Keiko. She's Japanese and Quiluete."

"Yeah... imagine the bloodline of Uley and Blackrock," Emily says and Sam hums. "Two strong bloodlines, Sam."

Sam kisses Emily and they cuddle in their bed and think about their futures.

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