Chapter Nine

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2 weeks later.

"How do I get Leah to calm down?" Sam asks Sue as soon as she lets him inside her house. "I get why, but she's been so... angry since she shifted, since the house is where Emily's usually at..."

"Keiko," Sue says softly. She's been having a tough time learning to cope without Harry but Charlie's been here for her when she needs someone to cry to. "Leah really likes Keiko. She was angry for months before the phase, and when she met Keiko..."

"She calmed down," Sam murmurs. "I have an idea... about them. Where does Keiko work?"

"La Push Diner, she's working today," Sue replies. "Seth just got me some food before he went to your house to eat the feast for an army Emily's cooked."

"All right." Sam looks at her. "How are you, Sue?"

"Learning how to live without Harry again," Sue says softly. "It's hard, Sam."

Sam squeezes her shoulder. "I'll handle Leah and I'll look after Seth. They'll be okay, Sue."

"Thank you," Sue whispers and she gives Sam's hand a squeeze.

Sam goes home and he sees Leah glaring at the fireplace. He sees Emily looking dejected. He wants to go kiss and love on her, assure her, but he knows that'll upset Leah more.

"Hey, Leah," Sam says. "Can you go to the diner..." He mentally smirks when she perks up at the diner word "... and grab some dessert so Em doesn't have to bake?"

"Yeah!" Leah jumps up and hurries out. She soon comes back. "I need money," she says sheepishly.

Sam chuckles and he hands her some. "Here."

Leah thanks him and she flees the house. She walks to her mom's Nissan and she drives to La Push Diner. She walks in and she goes straight to the counter and Keiko smiles when she sees her.

"Seven chocolate pies," Leah says.

Keiko gives the order to the chef and walks over. Leah smiles until her eyes meet and Leah is sucked into a whole other world. A world of just her and Keiko with several kids running around and smiles on their faces. Leah imprinted. Her smile grows even wide as she breaks from the moment and Keiko blushes a little.

"How are you doing?" Keiko asks.

"As ok as I can," Leah replies as she grabs Keiko's hand to mess with the ring on her middle finger.

"Order Up," Chef Littlehorn says.

Keiko brings the pies to Leah. "When will you come over again?"

"As soon as you get off," Leah says. She smiles at Keiko. "See you later." She goes back to Sam and Emily's and no longer feels dread. She brings the dessert inside and Emily takes them.

"Why is Leah smiling?" Paul Lahote asks warily.

"I imprinted," Leah says and Sam lifts his head, his eyes widened. "On Keiko Suzuki."

Sam smiles in relief. "Good. She already knows."

"She does?" Jared Cameron asks.

"Her grandma was Blue Blackrock," Sam says and the guys all work up. "The gene skipped them. But her mom told her the stories. It was confirmed that were real when she felt Seth's wolf temp at the hospital."

"So I don't have to avoid her?" Leah asks, her eyes full of hope.

That emotion brings relief to Sam as he shakes his head. Leah exhales in relief and she sits down, calm now finally. Sam goes to Emily.

"Leah imprinted," Sam says and Emily perks up.

"Oh, that's amazing," Emily coos.

Sam nods and he gives Emily a firm kiss. "Yeah, it is."

Keiko and Leah are watching some romantic Japanese movie when Leah finally grows some courage. She looks at her imprint and she pulls Keiko's face toward her and kisses her very soft lips. Keiko is surprised but she quickly kisses back. Leah moves to where Keiko is laying down and she hovers over her as they make out heatedly on Keiko's bed while Haruto and Kalyan are both at work.

Later in the night, Keiko introduces Leah to Janina and Connor via Skype and they all get along with each other, which makes Keiko very happy. She and Leah become girlfriends after the video chat ends.

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