Chapter Eleven

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"But why my dad?" Keiko asks as she waits at  the river with Sam and Quill Sr.

"I don't know," Sam replies. "Vampires don't have reasons most of the time and she might have chosen him at random."

"I think so, too."

They turn around and see Haruto with a kind looking man with bleach blonde hair and golden eyes and a gorgeous female with bouncy blonde hair that makes Keiko quickly divert her eyes.


Haruto smiles faintly at her, his eyes still bright red. "Hey, Keiko," he greets softly.

"Here..." Quill Sr gives the scroll and pen to Keiko. "Cross over and have him sign it. Say goodbye."

"Thanks." Keiko is helped into the creek bank by Sam and she walks over. Haruto helps her up and hugs her, but he's careful. He doesn't hold tight and he holds his breath. She pulls away and hands him the scroll and pen. "I'm sorry this happened."

"Your mom wants a divorce," Haruto says to his daughter. "She texted Rosalie's phone this morning."

Keiko looks at the blonde and she nods, confirming that she's Rosalie. Keiko nods and turns back. "Is it because you're a vampire now?" she asks softly.

"Yeah, and I'd have to live in Forks now," Haruto says. "Can you try to get her and Billy to move bast that friend bull crap? I know that their love is more than that."

Keiko chuckles. "I'll try."

"How are you and Leah?"

"We're great." Keiko smiles as she takes she scroll. "It's good to have a girlfriend while I'm actually out. Everyone knows."

Haruto closes his eyes and suddenly, a memory fills Keiko's head. Rosalie rushes over and grabs her arm to keep her upright.

Haruto watches as his pregnant wife says goodbye to Billy a few months after he imprinted. He and Sarah Black share a look. They both know Billy wants more than friendship with Kalyan and she wants the same thing, but for the sake of their spouses, they agreed to let the imprint bond to form cheer friendship.

"I'll keep in touch," Kalyan promises.

Billy touches her face and he smiles at her as their eyes meet. "I'm not worried. You bring your baby back here when they're bigger, show them where their true home is. Your home will always be La Push, Kalyan Blackrock Suzuki."

"I love you, Billy."

Sarah and Haruto know the double meaning to those words.

"I love you, too."

"What was that?" Carlisle asks.

"He just showed me the memory of when he and my mom left La Push... my mom was pregnant with me," Keiko says. "Dad, you sent me a memory. One of your memories."

Haruto smiles and he touches her face. He sends her another.

Haruto is holding his three-month-old baby alone in Charleston. Kalyan is in a rehab center for Post-Partum Depression patients. He's humming a Japanese lullaby to his Keiko.

"I love you," Haruto says. "So much. I know your mother loves me, but her heart, it belongs to you and another. I know that, but I'll continue to love her for as long as she'll let me."

"Wow, I was cute."

Haruto chuckles emotionally. "Very," he says. "Take care of your mother for me, Keiko."

Keiko wipes her eyes. "I will. Can you send me another?"

"Which one?"

"Did you see Billy imprint on her?"

Haruto nods and he closes his crimson eyes.

Billy, Sarah, Kalyan, and Haruto are out at the diner in La Push where a child Luna is running around. Billy is laughing at a joke Sarah told when he meets eyes with Kalyan and the world around them disappears. Kalyan knows what's happening, so do Haruto and Sarah. The two spouses share a look.

"Thank you." Keiko says. "Is... this goodbye?"

Haruto inhales sharply. "Yeah," he replies.

"Hey, pretty girl?" Keiko says to Rosalie and the vampire glances at her. "Take care of my father, please."

Rosalie nods. "Of course, beautiful," she replies. "He'll be safe with us."

Keiko hugs her dad once more and she rejoins the wolves and Sam pulls her into a hug and she starts to cry once Quill Sr has the scroll. Haruto can't stand his daughter's cries because of him and he runs off. Rosalie chases him quickly.

"I'm sorry, from the deepest of my heart, Keiko," Carlisle says to her before he leaves.

"What do you need, Kei?" Sam asks.

"Leah. I need Leah."

Sam shifts and he lowers himself to the ground. Keiko climbs on and she holds onto his fur and buries her face into it. Sam runs off and as soon as they're back, he lays down. He watches as Keiko slams herself into Leah's waiting arms and she breaks down even harder after having to say goodbye to Haruto for good because she won't be able to see him again.

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