Anniversary (The Other Side)

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The story of  Cordell forgetting their anniversary.
Characters from "The Other Side".

Name: Cordell Jackson Age: 27

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Name: Cordell Jackson
Age: 27

Name: Cévon JacksonAge: 25~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Name: Cévon Jackson
Age: 25

Cévon P.O.V
I inhaled from the blunt I was smoking and looked at the water as I wore my favorite hoodie. It was Cordell's, but it was really mine. Fuck a nigga named Cordell.

"Crash bring yo dumb ass over here! Didn't I tell you to stop chasing that cat? When she claw yo eyes out don't cry to me like you did when yo dumb ass got stung by that bee after I told you not to. Come here!" I yelled at him as he ran over to me at full speed before debasing in front of me and side-eyeing me.

He barked at me making me move my foot and he took off running. Pussy ass dog.

I took one last hit from my blunt before I was finished and watched as Crash ran along the water in the sand. I loved this house so much. My beach house. It was so beautiful and it was just a vibe. I liked how alone we were too. Nobody lived near us and I loved that. It was also a private beach so people couldn't just walk around our shit even if they wanted to.

I stood up hearing the low rumble of thunder making me chuckle.

"Fuck you universe," I spoke shaking my head. Of course, it would rain now. It fits the mood anyway. I guess it didn't matter.

I was not in a good mood. Yea, today was my anniversary, but my fuck ass husband didn't know that so I wasn't in the mood at all. This storm was only about to set the mood with how I was feeling. I don't even wanna where his fuck ass hoodie no more. Big slut.

I walked into the house with Crash running past me almost making me fall. I smacked my lips and frowned at him feeling anger ride in me.

"Watch where you going!" I yelled at him making him bark at me and then run. Always talking back. I hate this fucking dog.

I went into the kitchen to make a sandwich and heard his big stupid ass walking into the front door.

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