⚠️Notice: QMSU⚠️

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Im starting a new QMU. Also known as the QveenMe Universe. This universe will consist of Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Wizards, and all other supernatural beings. Things in this universe will NOT be fully accurate to the lore or knowledge that you have regarding supernatural beings. I will not go too crazy, but this is my universe so I do what I want. I'm starting this universe because, in my other one, all of my characters have stayed in the same place, come across each other, had a crossover, or just a small cameo. Mixing that universe with supernatural beings wouldn't make sense.

This universe will also include monsters and other creatures. Such as kaiju monsters or demons. If it isn't your thing then when you see this disclaimer DONT continue to read. This universe will be known as the "QMSU". QveenMe Supernatural Universe. If you ever see "QMSU" then you know my story will be a supernatural one. I'm not quitting the other one, I'm just starting a new one as well. I've always wanted to write supernatural stories with BLACK people. There just simply isn't enough. With that being said...

Welcome to the QMSU and I hope you enjoy your stay

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