Breaking In (Random)

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The story of Knox breaking into a man's house at night and getting caught.
Characters are random.

Name: Onyx Seoh Age: 26

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Name: Onyx Seoh
Age: 26

Name: Knox Kennedy Age: 19///////////////////////////////////////////////////Knox P

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Name: Knox Kennedy
Age: 19
Knox P.O.V
I've had a hard life. I always thought I would grow up to be the smartest and most successful nigga ever, but life had a way of laughing in your face. I loved playing soccer and I just knew I could get a full ride for it, but no...once I wasn't allowed to compete anymore or go to school for that matter it was over for me. My life was over. It was due to some sickness, it wasn't due to bad behavior, I wasn't failing, it was due to something I never meant to do...

I hate even thinking about it.

I mopped the floor in the kitchen of my friend's house who sometimes let me stay with him. It was either here or in my car. I didn't really have much of a choice. I had nowhere else to go. It's not like I had a family anymore. I dried the floor and then sat down on the couch sighing as I heard him walking out to the front.

"Hey Cam, do you th-,"

"I don't have any money," he spoke before I could even speak making me nod my head and grow quiet while looking away from him.

I just wanted to buy some food.

"You need to get a job. How long are you going to be hopping around from couch to car?" He asked me as I sighed.

"You know I have a felony. I ca-,"

"But who's fault is that?! Not mine. I'm not yo fucking daddy my nigga and my bitch feel like she can't come over and be free and shit 'cause you're always here," he spoke making my chest grow tight.

"W-Well I'm sorry Cameron! You're my only friend and I don't have anywhere to go. I know my felony is my fault, but I thought we had something going. I clean up the house and everything and I get to stay here. You sa-."

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