Emergency (Random)

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The story of Dr. Wade dealing with a new patient in the emergency department. (Characters are random.)


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🩺🩺🩺🩺🩺🩺🩺🩺🩺🩺🩺🩺🩺🩺🩺🩺🩺"Kaezar, are we still on for dinner tonight? You know my wife is making her famous lasagna," my charge nurse Lili asked me

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"Kaezar, are we still on for dinner tonight? You know my wife is making her famous lasagna," my charge nurse Lili asked me.

"If you think I'm missing lasagna night then you're sadly mistaken. I'll be there! And I'll bring a nice bottle of wine too. Just make sure you have my cookies made," I told her sitting back and taking a sip of my coffee making her laugh.

"You and these darn cookies. It's killing me. Don't worry though I'll have your cookies made pronto. I'm actually about to head out right now and I'm leaving my brick with Delani, so if you need anything you know where to find her," she told me getting up and patting my shoulder before walking over to her locker and grabbing her things.

"Actually, I'm off in about in about...10 minutes. Want to wait for me? We can walk out together," I told her as she nodded her head.

"Of course. That gives me time to go and talk to Ms. Pete about the new policy on our scrubs. I'm definitely grabbing the all-black ones if I can get my hands on them," she told me making me chuckle.

"I may have already claimed the color for my doctors...sorry Nurse Lili," I spoke as she stuck up the middle finger making me laugh and walk out of the lounge.

Lili and I had been working here together for a while now and it was safe to say that she was somewhat of a best friend/sister. She was a few years older than me, but she had been here since the beginning of my residency and if no one else had my back I know that Lili did. Even when I wanted to quit, 72-hour shifts, endless cups of coffee, breakups, breakdowns, kids, adoption, she's been there through it all.

Now I was the Chief of the Emergency Department and she was still the charge nurse. Why fix what's not broken? Nobody runs her department like her.

"Dr. Wade, we need you in room 4," Nurse Terri told me walking over to me and handing me the tablet.

Only 10 minutes left...darn it.

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