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So I really wanna start a discord, but I need help with some ideas. What should I name the server? I do eventually wanna get into my streaming and make sims vids and gaming vids like k told you all before, but right now I don't know if I want to combine that into this server (when the time comes) or leave this to be the server that's just about the Wattpad community.

Basically Anonymity or normal server. I know some of yall know what I look like and I know I shouldn't be, but for some reason, I'm really self-conscious about my writing and a little embarrassed which is why I don't even let my friends read my stories and when people I know in real life ask me about it I turn them down lol. I love my stories, but I still feel weird about everyone knowing I write that I know irl. Like I even planned that once I  started publishing my stories for money I would use a fake name because I didn't want people to know that bad 😭.

I wanna know what you guys think though as I always do.

I'm super indecisive lmaooo.

So what do you guys think? Any ideas on the server's name? Any ideas on our community name? Also, a bit of transparency my "monicker" for everything I normally do is "ThatOneGirl...," and it's my name at the end but I don't wanna say it yet bcuz I'm still scared for people to know who I am irl lol. But, if you wanted to help me make a community based on that name that's fine too. Sorry if this is weird and I'll def share my socials later, but I'm just very self-conscious.

I do really want this server though and I'm thinking about the long haul here. So do I do just based on Wattpad or everything I want to build? You guys please help me choose😭😔

Also! I will need mods and stuff like that so if you're interested in that part leave a comment here and I pick a few people to be mods and whatnot. You don't have to be a part of this if you don't want to, but if you want to then please!

I really want us to be connected I love my community and I have big ideas too!

I'm also a rambler so sorry if this is all repetitive...😭🥹

So...community names...
...server name
...should it be based on my Wattpad only or my monicker/overall bcuz remember I wanted to do streams and stuff but if you're only interested in book-related stuff say that. Etc
...what should everything be basically😭🤣?

I need help and I need us all to be a part of it.

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