Rehab(Addiction Sequel)

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The preview of the sequel to "Addicted". "Rehab"
Characters are from "Addicted"

 "Rehab"Characters are from "Addicted"

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Saint P

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Saint P.O.V
I sighed walking into the house tired as fuck from work. I'm so glad that I graduate tomorrow because I was definitely going to start applying to jobs that match my major. This 9-5 shit sucks. I'm about to quit.

I walked over to my couch and sat down closing my eyes. I sighed before sitting up and looking around this big empty house. Yea, I still lived in the same house. It was my house and I loved it. My padre was paying the bills on it so I could focus on school and any money I made I got to put into my pocket. He was really helping me out lately. I was helping him too though. Watching Emilio whenever he needed.

My baby brother was about to be 2 now. In a couple of months, but still. Im so excited. He's growing up.

I stood up and walked into my kitchen opening up my fridge seeing my dad had stopped by when I wasn't here and left me a plate of food. I love him.

I popped it into the microwave and grabbed me a tea out of my fridge sitting down. I pulled out my phone and did what I found myself doing every day. It was a routine.

I went to a picture of Donnie and just stared at it. He looked so happy and healthy. The last time I saw him was almost two years ago. A year and a half ago, but still. I missed him so fucking much. My love for him hasn't left at all. It hasn't faltered or anything. My love for him was the same and it would never stop being that. I haven't gotten into any relationships, I haven't had sex with anyone, I haven't flirted with anyone, kissed anyone, I haven't even texted anyone.

I've been going to school, work, and then home.

I wasn't in the mood for anything else. Of course, some guys have tried to talk to me and shit, and some girls too, but nah. I'm good. Even though I'm single, in my heart I'm not. I'm just waiting on him to get out which is any day now. I haven't seen it talked to him in so long I hope he was ok. Of course, I tried once that no contact period was up, but he declined visitors and calls.

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