19. Taking Care

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Abhimanyu POV

We came back home and headed straight to our room. Ahana was really having bad cramps. Throughout the ride, she didn't even speak a single word and kept mum.

As soon as she entered the room she went to change. Meanwhile I came down and went to the kitchen to fetch a hot water bag. Maa was there in the kitchen.

"Yeh hot water bag kiske liye?" Maa asked.
(For whom is this hot water bag?)

"Ahana Maa, she's having her periods and is having really bad cramps. I saw you taking this to relieve pain so thought to give her." I said scratching the back of my neck.

She smiled widely and ruffled my hair.

"You've grown up so much. It's good to see you taking care of her. Wait, Lemme make her hot chocolate, she'll love it"

Maa said and quickly made two cups of hot chocolates. One for her, and another for me.

I took the hot chocolates and hot water bag in a tray and went to the room. There she was sitting on the bed after changing into and oversized tee and shorts. This is my first time seeing her in shorts and her legs are looking so slender.

Abhimanyu....get on the track!!

I gave her the hot chocolate and placed the hot bag on her stomach. She on receiving the hot chocolate gave me a million dollar smile, the smile for which I can go extents.

I went inside the bathroom to take a shower to relax my muscles. Though I thought I would be Hella tired, I'm actually not that tired and the reason is my beautiful wife.

It took almost thirty-forty minutes for me relaxing. I got dressed in a t-shirt and track pants and came outside. I blow dried my hair and noticed that the hot chocolates were still untouched.

"You don't like hot chocolate?" I asked her.

She was leaning on the headboard half seated placing the hot water bag on her stomach. Her trance broke by my words.


"You don't like hot chocolate? Should I bring something else? I mean the cups are untouched...so" I asked her

"Oh, actually I was waiting for you to come after freshening up so that I can have it with you and listen to how Milan was." She said smiling

She was waiting for me.... No way.....
I can't be this lucky!
She's on her periods but still she waited for me.......

"I think they are no more hot. Lemme go and reheat them." I was about to take them when she told

"No worries, they would now taste like chocolate milk shakes. Give it to me as it is." She kept the hot water bag aside and forwarded her hand.

I took the cups to the bed and she scooted a little bit giving me enough space to sit on the bed.

I gave her a cup and leaned over the headboard and spread my legs in a half seated position just like her. We were sitting close, our arms almost touching.

"Tell me how was Milan? I know you're tired but my moods won't let me sleep sanely if I don't hear your experience" she told sipping her coffee.

I laughed at her comment and started telling her how Milan was, occasionally sipping the cold hot chocolate.

"Wow, that's sounding so beautiful, God knows how would it feel to see it. I mean I have been to abroad but Milan is something different. The fashion capital of the world! Gosh that sounds so exciting. You know I asked Bhai to take me while there was the opening of a Malhotra showroom, but he didn't take me." She pouted at the last sentence.

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