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All the princesses were super excited to know the gallantic story of great suryavanshi kings. So with full of enthusiasm Janak started elaborating that glorious history. -
" In that clan many famous kings were born. They were supreme warriors but what made them famous were their words of honour. No matter how rigorous the situation became, they never even thought of taking their step back from their vow. They were super determinant about their descisions. They could cross any level to fulfill their promises. "

"That's really impressive pitashree. Please tell us more about them. "- sita requested.

Janak- " ofcourse Sita. Now I'm going to tell you about their history which is making them the greatest among the greatest kings...
King Raghu... the finest warrior that ever existed on earth with heart filled with love and compassion. He had donated all of his wealth to his people and was living like a poor hermit in a cottage. One day some sages, who had heard about the greatness of King Raghu, went to meet him and to ask him for donating 1 lakh gold coins for their yajna.

When they came and saw that King Raghu is living like a normal poor human in a cottage, they couldn't believe how a poor man will give them 1 lakh gold coins."

" and then...?" - a super excited Urmila, who was listening without even blinking asked Janak.

" King Raghu politely welcomed all the sages and gave them his words of honour that he will provide 1 lakh gold coins for yajna. But some sages questioned his vow in disbelief that why is he insulting his ancestors by making such vow which he will never be able to fulfill. This thing made King Raghu extremely angry and to show those sages the power of his vow, he immediately grabbed his bow arrow and pointed it towards the sky. Then with immense strength in his voice he ordered Kuber (keeper god of treasures) to shower 1 lakh gold coins immediately if he is aware of the who and what kind of warrior king Raghu is. Or else his one arrow would be enough to destroy entire Kuberpuri (celestial land of kuber)."

Shrutkirti spoke in between- " and then ?? What did Kuber do ? "
Janak- " Kuber had no other option. He was fully aware of the greatness of king Raghu. So he immediately showered 1 lakh Swarn mudras and those sages immediately bowed down infront of him by seeing the power of his words of honour."

The princesses were completely astonished by King Raghu's bravery. Janak told them that Suryavanshis are also called by this great king's name and that is 'Raghuvanahi'.

With bright eyes Urmila said- " what a great king he was. And what a great personality he had..."

Janak- " Not only him daughter, there are so many of them. Another famous one is King Harishchandra. He is prayed by everyone because of his Sacrifices and charities. He once saw a dream and in that dream he promised to donate his whole kingdom and wealth to the great sage Vishwamitra. And on the next day he actually donated his everything to him and started living like a beggar for years. Rishi Vishwamita was also testing the strength of the king's vow so he took his kingdom from him. This cruel time gave king Harishchandra immense pain. He got separated from his wife and son. He started working as a guard at certain cremation ground. Years later his son died by the biting of a snake. So his wife, who was working as a maid in someone's house carried the dead body of her son to the cremation ground and their she met her husband. First both of them couldn't recognise eachother but slowly they remembered their painful past and separation. But his wife didn't have any money to pay for the cremation, so the dutiful Harishchandra didn't allow his wife to use the ground for last rituals even after seeing his own son's dead body.
The whole universe was moved that day after seeing the dutifulness and power of the vows of king Harishchandra. Even God bowed down to him that day. Rishi Vishwamita immediately went there and made their dead son alive by his power. Because he wasn't actually dead. It was a whole test by Rishi Vishwamita which was gloriously passed by King Harishchandra. So he instantly returned his kingdom to the king and blessed his kingdom to be filled with wealth and prosperity everytime. And that's the reason Ayodhya is the wealthiest kingdom of Aryavart today and since that day King Harishchandra is known as daanveer (great doner) Harishchandra"

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