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With heavy heart, slow steps dripping clothes, red eyes and runny nose, Urmila entered inside the palace. From the bottom of her heart she had accepted that, things between her and Lakshman had ended officially and nothing left to be think about. Her mind was busy while her eyes were red because of too much crying. She had no idea what will she answer when her sisters will ask about Lakshman. But no matter what happens... now she had to force her heart to forget him. Which was literally impossible but still... she could pretend atleast.

But somthing that grabbed her attention was the sudden increase in happiness and excitement of everyone in the palace. Whoever coming in her way was passing her a bright smile or congratulating her. It was clear that in her absence something big had happened and this is the reason why all are so happy... as if all the festivals were going to be celebrated together in one day. She questioned a maid who just congratulated her- " But can you please tell.... why everyone is congratulating me ?"

The maid smiled shyly and answered- "I'm really sorry Rajkumari, but we are not allowed to tell you. It's the order of Maharani. She wants to give this good news to you by herself.."

"Good news?"- Urmila became more confused. But to get her answer she rushed to her mother's room.
After reaching at sunaina's room she got to know that her mother is in Sita's room. Not just her mother but all the women are present there. She again ran towards it.

Nearly 15 women were present in Sita's room including her sisters. Their gigglings were echoing through out the area, which made Urmila more curious that what's so special happened. She walked in with slow steps and every head turned towards her.

"Look.. our third princess is back... "- A woman said and rest started giggling again. By seeing Urmila in dripping clothes and runny nose, Sunaina immediately got up from her seat and went near her. - "What happened Child? Were you out during the rain ?? "

"Um... yeah.. I was just.... coming back and...."- Urmila said in thickened voice. "Go change quickly first. You have already caught cold. I'm preparing some herbal soup for you.."- Sunaina ordered.

Urmila's eyes went to her sisters who were sitting just in the middle of everybody. Sita was sitting silently, which was normal but what made her frown was the view of Mandvi and Shrutkirti sitting just like Sita, with a shy smile on face... And Urmila couldn't stop herself from asking- "But maa.... what is going on? Why everybody is congratulating me? And why Mandvi didi and Kirti are sitting like a bride at the centre ?"

Her questions made everyone laugh even more. So another elderly woman said in a teasing manner- " Maharani, it's time for you to enlight your daughter about her golden destiny... seems like she's impatient to know". Everybody chuckled again. Urmila didn't understand what is making everybody laugh so much. But her flabbergasted mind was not bothered about them.

Before sunaina, four 10 to 14 year old girls from the crowd stood up and spoke, who were the daughters of prime minister Chakrabahu and some other members of the court." From today, we are vidhikari... not you Urmila didi. "

"What... four vidhikari ?... but why? "- Urmila's curiousity made Sunaina smile and she cupped her face- "Because your life is going to take the most beautiful turn my daughter.... along with Sita, you are also going to get your other half soon."

"Mandvi to Rajkumar Bharat... Kirti to Rajkumar Shatrughna and YOU ARE GOING TO MARRY RAJKUMAR LAKSHMAN, URMILA..." - Sunaina announced.

Urmila's eyes widened and jaw dropped in shock. One of her hands curled up to her chest and she totally turned pale...
"What did you just say maa ?"

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