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After departing from the river bank, Lakshman rushed towards the forest. The fear of loosing the woman he loves was making him anxious and the tears in his eyes were making his vision blurry. But nothing in the world could have stop him from reaching at Urmila today.

Along with his feet, his mind was also racing. And the terror of the moment, when he read the letter from Urmila was becoming alive in his consciousness. Each and every word from that letter was freshening up in his memory and taking him back to that moment again and again....

When he opened the door of his room in the guest house, an arrow dugged right infront of his door caught his attention.... especially the letter scroll, which was wrapped perfectly around it. The white swan symbol on it's back was confirming that it was from the royal palace. So he immediately pulled the arrow out and read the letter.

"Rajkumar Lakshman,

I know you must have been so tensed now. Because our parents have fixed our marriage, which you have never wanted. Your father, Maharaj Dashrath has promised my father, Maharaj Janak that he will welcome me as his third daughter in law. So you can't even deny for this marriage now. Because the promises of Suryavanshis are above their personal choices.

But don't worry, you won't have to marry me. I know you can't step back but I can. So I'm refusing this marriage. Before the varan vidhi starts, I'll tell both the kings about my descision. And they will cancel this marriage.

If you are thinking that I'm sacrificing for you, then you are wrong. I'm not sacrificing anything. Whatever I'm doing is for my own happiness only.

Because my happiness is you, Rajkumar Lakshman. I'll never make you suffocate every moment by marrying you. I don't know what do you feel about me... and don't want to know it either. Because it doesn't matter now. All I want is you to be satisfied with your life. And if it looks better without me, then I'll never enter in it. I promise... I'll always stay away. My sisters are going to be your sister in laws, which is making you a part of my family. But still.... you will never see my face again in your life.

But I'll always pray for your happiness and prosperity. May you touch every hight of success in your life... may your path get sprinkled by happiness and joy....
and may you get a girl, with whome you will never feel the suffocation that you feel around me.... the girl who will never fight you, never shout at you and never make you eat sweets.

Lastly... I want to apologise, for the troubles I have created for you. I will never be able to unlove you. But if you are satisfied in your life, then this heart ache will become pleasurable for me.

Thank you very much for the heavenly happiness you gave me in these last couple of weeks.
And after your brothers and my sisters marriage, we will never see eachother again.

- Urmila "

At various regions of that letter the ink had faded on patches... which were none other than the stains of Urmila's tears. Lakshman's pounding heart was tearing his eye up, and by remembering the words of Urmila his mind was going crazy. And these were not going to stop until the vision of Urmila graces his eyes.

He reached at his destination, the Neel kamal pond, way faster than imagination. As usual the environment was silent. The only audible things were the slossing water, swinging leafs of tress and some unknown bird's singing.

His feet finally stopped when his eyes fell upon Urmila, who was sitting at the bank of the pond. Lakshman took slow steps towards her. Her back and head were resting on a nearby rock. Her hair was open and eyes were shut. All of her jewelleries were scattered on the ground like leaves and not a single piece was on her body. Her milky white face had turned totally red and dried stains of tears were visible on her cheeks. Her hands were still shaking a little, which were resting on her knees and her chest was going up and down because she was facing difficulty in breathing because of cold.

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