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Night blanketed Ayodhya in all shades of blue and black while sparkling stars and the alluring celestial bodies were enhancing it's grace. The palace was drowning slowly into silence, reverse from the rhythmic buzzing of crickets and hooting of owls from their perches, which was adding more depth and beauty to the night.

The outer walls of Moti Bhavan were bathing in the moonlight while some were slossing inside through big windows as well. Urmila was silently laying on the bed with the elegant muscular arms of her husband was profoundly wrapped around her body. Lakshman was already swimming in the ocean of his dreams but the sleepless eyes of Lakshman Priya were glued to the beaming moon through her window. Her lean body was ornamented with minimal jewelleries such as a simple neck piece, bangles, small earrings and her husband's favourite payal. While he only had his simple white night attire with waist band and janeyu only.

Lakshman's silky wavy hair were brushing upon Urmila's face in the slow breeze, which is indeed her favourite thing to feel. She lovingly ran her fingers through his raven locks while a pretty smile bloomed on her lips. She again turned to face him. And with a sensual tone she whispered- "Why are you so handsome, Saumitra."

Her own question made her blush immensely as she hide her face on his chest. And with a sleepy moan he tightened his clasp around her. His warm breath was touching her forehead and his crystal heartbeat was giving her honey rush.

Urmila couldn't resist the temptation, which lead her to lean in gently by firmly pressing her lips against his, while feeling the warmth against her skin.

He flinched in his sleep but didn't not open the eyes. It was a tender moment, filled with love and affection, as she teased him in his slumber, knowing that how much her husband loves to sleep.
she lovingly watched her husband's peaceful form, the steady rise and fall of his chest was soothing her soul. With a playful glint in her eyes, She trailed soft caresses along his jawline. Her finger's tracing patterns on his skin, eliciting a faint smile from Lakshman's slumbering form. With each teasing touch, she stirred his mind by whispering sweet nothings into the silent night, knowing that even in sleep, he could feel the her love enveloping him. Since his senses were always fully active, even in his sleep.

Slowly and steadily his long lashes fluttered by gracing Urmila's sight with those golden brown glimmering pools.
"Ain't you going to sleep today Mila ?" - He said in sleepy tone, and took his face more close to her.

"How can I Saumitra? How can I sleep, when my gorgeous husband is beside me. Closing my eyes while him being next to me, would be an insult to his charm.... That charm, which rivals Gods themselves. " - Urmila's voice was barely a romantic whisper which made Lakshman's pale cheeks turn scarlet along with a gorgeous smile on his heart shaped lips.

She also wore a smile of pride, as she marvelously shot the floral arrow of romance which directly hit his heart.

"How come you sleep so less. It's astonishing for me."- He spoke while caressing her cheeks.
She held his hand which was on her face - "I have told you before, I have no idea."

Both of them smiled at eachother again. But suddenly Lakshman got up from bed. - "Let's go somewhere..."

Urmila was surprised. - " Right now? But where. "

"Just come with me Mila, i want to show you something." - Lakshman extended his hand towards his priya. She joyfully held it and got up from the bed as well.

Both of them walked out of Moti Bhavan. As per Lakshman's order the guard outside, brought two horses and the couple rode on it to leave for the destination.

One horse moved towards its target, cutting through the air with lightning speed. Because its reins were in the hands of Lakshman, who had mastered horse driving since the age of ten. Urmila was struggling a little to match his level but somehow managing to do that.

LAKSHMAN PRIYA Where stories live. Discover now