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Finally after couple of minutes, the hurried Mandvi reached at the main door of paak shala. Her scrambled experession and heavy breathing was clarifying, how she had rushed towards the kitchen.

With slow firm steps she walked inside that hall which had gone silent after her arrival. And her throat was even more dried after seeing everyone's gaze. The worry in Kaushaya and Sumitra's eyes, the fear in her sister's eyes and furry in Kaikeyi's eyes had already elaborated the heat of the moment. With frightened heart she touched all of her elder's feet and stood quitely with hands joined at chest.

The chudamani, which was the crown representation of her royal womanhood, was not placed at the right place but slightly tilted. It was flashing the anxious art of urgency and pressure of time. All mind came upto only one conclusion, that Mandvi must have overslept.

The stares of everyone was making her limbs and voice tremble. She tried to explain- "maa I........"

"I'm sincerely grateful to you for showing up in the paakshala, second rajvadhu." - Kaikeyi's voice rang out, cold and disdainful, echoing through the hall. With hesitant gaze Mandvi looked down and tension thickened in air.

Mandvi answered with embarrassed tone- "My apologies for being late, maa. But I....."

Simply Kaikeyi added her statement again without letting her daughter in law explain. - " Have you taken Raghuvansh's laws for granted ? Or the concept of laws, ethics and time just don't exist for you.?"

Others exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the impending storm brewing between the queen and her daughter-in-law. The heart rates of Sita, Urmila and Shrutkirti were peaking as their fist tightened in eachother's grip with supreme nervousness.

Couple of tear drop escaped from the corners of Mandvi's eyes, because she had kind of predicted the reaction of Kaikeyi. Her tongue flabbergasted and mind went out of words as she started sobbing.

Kaushlya put one hand on Kaikeyi's should inorder to stop her. But the her firey gaze was still piercing through Mandvi's soul.
"Please forgive me maa, I... I lost track of time. Because... Actually......." - she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh I don't care about the reason. If you have got told to reach at paak shala before sunrise, then you will reach at paak shala before sunrise.... Even if the sky falls or the earth cracks, You will never undervalue your duty. This is the tradition and policy of Raghuvansh... 'kartavya sarvopari' (Duty above all)... I'm repeating, 'KARTAVYA SARVOPARI'." - Kaikeyi's bold voice echoed through the hall. And Mandvi nodded her head while wipping her tears with trembling hands.

Till then all of her sisters had started sobbing. They had never imagined that they would face a situation like this on the very first day as Raghuvanshi kulbadhu. It was clear that Kaikeyi over scolded Mandvi, while she was not even that late. But still as their father had said, that Raghuvanshis are
strict followers of laws... It was clearly observable for them.

Sumitra wrapped her arms around Mandvi's shrunken body and requested Kaikeyi- "Please didi... that's it. Mandvi is crying. And it's not good omen if the griha lakshmi cries. That too in her first day. It attracts devastation and misfortune."

Kaikeyi frowned and Kaushalya consoled- "Sumitra is right. Mandvi is still a kid. Our kid, Kaikeyi. She needs our guidance in every step. Please forgive her. I'm sure she has learnt her lesson. Right daughter?"

Mandvi sat on her knees infront of Kaikeyi with eyes fixed on her feet and palms joined. Then with that windshield voice she muttered- "Please forgive me for the first and last time, maa. I'll never repeat this mistake again. I'll always follow you and your instructions..."

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