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By making Urmila and Sita's jumping heart calm a little, both Ram and Lakshman arrived at the swayamvar hall with Maharshi Vishwamita and some other guests. All the people in the hall including king janak had stood up to show respect to the great Maharshi Vishwamita. But everybody's eyes got stuck in the charm of Ram and Lakshman. Nobody had ever seen such gorgeously handsome young men before.

Sita and Ram were again mesmerized by eachother while Urmila's pounding heart rested a little after seeing Lakshman.

Janak joined his palms and bowed down to Vishwamita. - " Pranam Mahrshi Vishwamita. Welcome to janak Puri. I'm glad that you came to bless my daughter in her swayamvar. "

Vishwamita answered with a smile - " I had to come Rajashri Janak. Your brave brother had helped so much during the terror of Tarka. How could I say no to his invitation. And on top of everything it's rajkumari Sita's Swayamvar. We all know she is the divine daughter of mother Earth. The man she will marry, would definitely be a divine personality as well. How could I miss to see him? "

Janak also smiled widely - " This is your greatness Maharshi. I'm sure your presence will enhance the purity of this moment. "

Vishwamita- " Thank you so much Maharaj. By the way, meet them, the valiant and heroic warriors who had saved my ashram and ended Tarka forever. They are the sons of Maharaj Dashrath of Ayodhya... Rajkumar Ram, and Rajkumar Lakshman. "

Janak's eyes flooded with tears when both Ram and Lakshman. They politely bowed down to him.

Janak- "What can I say about you two bright stars of the Raghuvanshi sky ? No doubt you are the best warriors of entire aryavart. I'm really happy to see you here. Kindly take your seats. "

All of them took their respective seats and Janak announced for the swayamvar to start. Ram's gaze met with Sita again. In that crowded hall, they silently expressed their love for eachother just through their eyes. Urmila looked at Lakshman. As usual he was kind of expressionless with his eyes focused on the shiv dhanush.

Urmila and Sita were tightly holding eachother's hands and just waiting for some miracle to happen. One by one all the king's came to lift the bow up. But failed immensely. Nobody wasn't even able to move it a little bit. Janak and Sunaina became extremely worried. Everybody predicted that Ravan's words will become true and Sita will remain unmarried forever. Sunaina put her palm on her chest by thinking the exact thing.

Along with their bodies, the ego of some kings were also getting hurt. All of them had known it that Sita can lift this bow easily. So they were not ready to accept the fact that their level is way below Sita. So to degrade Sita and Janak, they started making their own theories.

" Maharaj Janak.... This is not a swayamvar. You have purposefully arranged this decitefull meeting to insult us only... " - a king shouted at Janak.

But Janak answered calmly - " I apologise, if this whole process hurt you. But I can't change it. Because this is the rule of this swayamvar" .

Another king said- " what kind of rule is this ? You clearly know that, this is the mighty bow of Lord Shiva himself. Your ancestors got it because of their good deeds. And for some reason your adopted daughter can lift it. So you want to show this off infront of us by challangeing us to lift it. What are you expecting, a God from sky will come to marry her ? It is just a plan of yours Maharaj Janak... just to insult us."

The term 'adopted daughter' pierced through Sita's chest like a arrow. But she couldn't even cry. And reached at the utmost top of her calmness. So she just closed her eyes and stopped her other senses as well. Her tight grip on Urmila's hand lossen and Urmila understood that her didi has gone to her utmost silence.

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