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Urmila ran happily to Janak. Because it was his wish to see Sita as the wife of the eldest prince of Raghukul. And finally the prince is here.

" are you happy now pitashree? Because anyhow destiny brought the Raghuvanshi Prince to Mithila. "- Urmila's lips had a big bright smile and eyes were filled with hope and faith. Kushadhwaj also joined Urmila.- " yes bhaiya... I had asked Maharshi Vishwamita to bring them with him. Which means they have the invitation as well. Now nobody can stop them from coming to the swayamvar. At that time, if would have known that they are sons of Maharaj Dashrath... then i would have welcomed them by myself and not through Maharshi Vishwamita. But they are here now. And as a witness of their bravery and tallent, i can assure you bhaiya... the eldest prince will win. "

A rosy smile bloomed on Sita's face, which she tried to hide. Urmila and Kushadhwaj was looking at Janak to listen to his answer but slowly got disappointed by not being able to see their desired expression on Janak's face ?

"What happened pitashree? You don't look happy about it ? "- Urmila asked with a diminished voice.

Janak replied with a sad face and slow voice- " I know that The Raghuvanshi Princes are in Mithila now and staying at Maharshi Yagyanvalkya's ashram. They will definitely come to sita's Swayamvar as well. But still my wish will never be fulfilled. "

Kushadhwaj frowned his brows and asked - " what... ? But how bhaiya ? Don't you trust the eldest prince's bravery who just killed a hideous demoness like Tarka? "

Janak immediately answered- " No no Kushadhwaj... it's not like that. I'm super impressed by his bravery. But the problem is... he will just come to the swayamvar but won't participate. Because you invited them with Maharshi Vishwamita as a guest to attend the swayamvar.... not to participate. "

Urmila remaining shocked - " But... but pitashree... you had sent the invitation to Ayodhya for the eldest prince to participate. And if I'm not wrong then the very 1st invitation you sent was to Ayodhya. Then why would he come as a guest only. "

" Because he doesn't know about the invitation which i sent on his name. He was at Maharshi Vishwamita's Ashram at that time. Maharaj Dashrath also has no idea about where their sons are right now. Or else he would have asked his son to attend the swayamvar as a participant. "- Janak responded.

Sita's heart broke into millions of pieces after listening to this. Her eyes got filled with tears and she felt a sharp pain on the throat because she was trying to control her tears.

Urmila became frustratedly angry. Her father sent the invitation, but king Dashrath apologised because his son wasn't present so he couldn't go to Mithila. But in reality his son is already in Mithila... and will come to the swayamvar as well... but won't participate because he hasn't gotten invitation for participating.... but in reality he is the one who got the first invitation for participating. So confusing.... Destiny was playing around and marvellously making fun of everything.

Janak put his hand on Urmila's shoulder and tried to explain- "  Those four princes had always been a matter of discussion and centre of attraction among all nations of Sapt sindhu region since their childhood. I'm not the only one who wants her daughter to get married to one of them. There are even more wealthier kings than me, who want their daughters to get married to one of those four princes.
Those four princes are super handsome, brave, extremely talented, humble and powerful. We are nothing as comparison to their nation Ayodhya. And my wish was for the 1st prince...
He is the 'Yuvraj'(crowned prince) of that wealthiest and most prosperous kingdom. He has his own respect. It is his humbleness that even after not getting a direct invitation, he and his brother are still coming as a guest to the swayamvar. But we can't expect him to participate when he has no invitation for participating. I can't even ask to participate right on the spot. It would be more like an insult. If he wants, then all the princesses of Aryavart will be agree to put varmala in his neck. Why would he bother to participate in this swayamvar for which he hasn't gotten a proper invitation either. "

Janak was totally right. Why would the crowned prince of the wealthiest nation would bother to participate in a swayamvar without proper invitation. For someone like him deserves to get the invitation by the king himself.... but.... destiny is a good player.

Sita came near her disappointed father and held his hands. - " pitashree... i know the situation is not in our favour. But please don't be sad like this. If it is my destiny then i will accept it happily. Four days later the Pinak will choose my husband. And whoever will it be, I'll happily put varmala in his neck. I don't mind if it's not the most famous and powerful crowned prince of the wealthiest kingdom. Whatever Mahadev had written in my fate, I'll go accordingly it happily. So please pitashree.... don't be sad. "

Janak tightly hugged her elder daughter after hearing such motivating line from her. No doubt Sita had mastered the art of hiding feelings with a generous smile. But Urmil hadn't. She was so sad and so mad at the destiny. So without saying anything to anyone she rushed to the Mithileshwar Mahadev temple.

Urmila angrily walked inside the temple, which was empty at the night. Then she bursted out- " Mahadev....... is the answer of my sister's prayers ? Is this the result of her day and night worshiping ? Is this why you had choosen only her to be able to lift your Pinak ? Why are you playing such game with my Sita Didi's feelings. Her desired man will be present at her swayamvar but won't participate.... it's like walking miles to see Mata Ganga but coming back just from her bank without dipping in her water. What's the point of that Mahadev...?

I know she has never asked anything from you. Today also... she won't ask anything from you. But please Mahadev... (Urmila started crying) make my sita didi marry her desired man. I can't see her suffering silently like this forever. Who can be the most loving human being other than her... she can do anything for other's happiness without caring about her own self. Please don't do this to her.

Urmila wipped her tears and took a breath. - " do you know Mahadev, when I was falling ill in my childhood, she was sitting beside me whole night with maa and giving medicines to me. Even after my recovery, she was taking extra care of me like her own child.... Mandvi didi loves painting and for that she needs many different flowers to make colours which were not easily available. But in childhood, kaki maa waa not letting her go to unknown parts of the forest. It was Sita didi, who was secretly going to the forest to get flowers for Mandvi didi. Everytime she was getting pierced by thrones or getting infected because of some poisonous plants. But she never cared about all these, as long as she was making her sister happy. Shrutkirti loves motichur laddus.  Once she started crying to eat motichur laddus in the middle of the night. Her crying became so immense that she felt difficulty in breathing. At that time the 8 years old Sita didi, who was totally clueless about the recipe, went to the cook... learnt the process and made them in one night. Because she couldn't see her kirti crying like this. And she was too kind to bother maa, kaki maa or other maids during midnight. Once in the ashram of Maharshi Yagyanvalkya, a new born baby cow was trapped in bushes and it was raining hard. The 14 year old sita didi was unable to pull the baby cow out from those bushes. So that the new born won't be scared in heavy thunders and lightning, Sita didi stood in the rain for hours by hugged the baby cow. Her friends at gurukul had made so much fun of her , because she is adopted by maa and pitashree. It was boiling my blood everytime. But Sita didi was still loving towards them as well. She was smiling infront of everyone but only i have seen her crying secretly. She is an expert in hiding tears. But i can't Mahadev..... this is why I'm screaming infront of you now. If I'll start talking to you about the greatness of my Sita didi, then my whole lifespan will end but not the stories of her greatness.

I'm not asking you to give her the world, though she deserves it. But Mahadev... please unite her with the man, whome she had fallen in love with."

Urmila joined her palms and sat on her knees- " Oh Lord of the universe.... if my devotion towards you is true... and if i have ever done some virtue in my life, then as it's result please fulfill my only wish..... Change the directions of destiny and let my sister marry her desired man, the crowned prince of Ayodhya.
From tomorrow the rituals of swayamvar will be started. So Sita didi will go to perform the Mangal arti at Gouri mata's temple and then she will bring the 'aagyaan mala' (garland of permission for swayamvar).
If you are listening to my prayers, then i hope you will give me a sign before sita didi touches the aagyan mala of her swayamvar. It's my only wish mahdev. I will be waiting for your sign. " - Urmila was super confident.

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