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The sunrise of that day was going to bring a new dawn in the world. Starting from the moon to the stars, every part of the macrocosm was considering themselves fortunate because all of them were going to witness an auspicious incident whose saga was going to echo for eternity.... The union of four divine soulmates....

Entire Mithila was decorated in all red and golden, just like a bride. The hustle and bustle spread everywhere reflected everyone's happiness and excitement.

At the Ashram of Maharshi Yagyanvalkya, the four princes were getting ready for their 'haldi' ritual. Since the queens of Ayodhya were not present, the women of the ashram were going to perform the rights of the groom's mother. The ritual was going on at the same place as the varan vidhi and many women of different age groups were gathered to apply turmeric and bless the princes.

In the palace, the brides were sitting on four specific seats in simple clothings. The elderly women of the palace including chandrabhaga and Sunaina were gathered in that perticular haul of palace where the sacred ritual of applying turmeric on bride's body was going to take place.
The vidhikari girls brought four golden bowls which had paste of turmeric, sandalwood, coconut juice, kapoor and many beauty enhancing herbs, which had offered to Gouri mata first.

The brides were looking super elegant even in simple attire and no jewellery. By seeing their daughters getting ready to put the turmeric for wedding made Queen Chandrabhaga and Sunaina's heart float in the ocean of emotions. How come after being born from their womb, they have grown so much that they are going to get married
. It is such a huge feeling for a mother, which was rolling down on the queens cheeks as tears.

By seeing tear drops in their mothers eyes, the princesses also teared up. Since it was going to be their last day at their home. After the next sunrise they were going to leave their family, home, friends and childhood behind and going to walk towards their life purpose.

After some minutes of exchange of emotions, finally the ritual started. First it was the mother's turn to apply turmeric paste on the bride's body. So Sunaina started from Sita and Chandrabhaga started from Mandvi. First they applied the paste on their face, then arms, and then feet.
One by one all the women applied turmeric paste on the bride's body. In that heavenly sacred yellow shine of the princesses the entire place was glowing beautifully.

Just at the moment when all the women were busy and gossiping with eachother, the bride's eyes stopped at a perticular woman who was coming towards them with a mesmerizing smile on her red lips. She was wearing snowy white clothes and her long wavy hair was decorated with red buransh flower. As an expert in medicines and herbs, Sita became a little astonished. Because the buransh flower were only found in Himalayan mountains.. then where did this woman got that flower. The wide line of vermilion on the middle of her hair was making her look even more divine. The bride's heart got filled with an anonymous happiness after seeing that woman. The more she was walking closer, the more cooler the environment was getting around the Princess. She was only wearing Rudraksha beeds as jewelleries and had goldly aura arround her.

First she went to Sita. "Who are you devi, I haven't seen you before in Mithila ?"- Sita questioned with a warm smile.
She also smiled back and answered while joining her palms near chest- " I am a rishika, rajkumari. My name is Parvati. I have heard a lot about the princesses of Mithila and Princes of Ayodhya. So when I got to know about them getting married to eachother, I became so happy and excited. This is why I'm here to congratulate you all. If you allow, I would like to apply this sacred turmeric on your body as blessing."

There was a loving affinity in her voice which made Sita and other princess'es heart feel the warmth. With a wide smile the princesses joined their palm near chest and responded- " It will be our pleasure devi to get blessings from godly women like you. Please go ahead..."

Parvati gently took some turmeric paste on her fingers and went near Sita. And while slowly applying it on her body she said in a serene voice- " Do you know rajkumari Sita, You are a queen. Not because of you are getting married to the future King of Ayodhya, but for your personality. You are like that goddess, who showers wealth and prosperity on people by taking their sufferings away. Life of a queen is not easy dear. They have to face challanges on every turn of life. But you will win Rajkumari Sita. You are strong and intelligent. Your glory will stay in the world forever and you will be the idol of every woman.... God bless you. "

Sita soulfully touched her feets and said- " I will remember your every word devi... Thank you so much. "
"Akhand Soubhagyavati bhav " - Parvati blessed Sita and moved towards Mandvi.

Similarly she took turmeric paste on hand and started applying on Mandvi's body. " Rajkumari Mandvi, you are going to become the second queen of Ayodhya. Everyone knows your support and devotion towards elders. And I'm sure this will last forever. You will love and cherish Ayodhya just like how Maharani Kaushalya does. And everybody will love you as a mother. "

Mandvi also touched her feet with a wide smile and answered- "thank you so much devi. Your words are really inspiring for me."

"Ayushmati bhav"- parvati blessed and then with a wide smile she walked towards Urmila.

Urmila was so ready to get blessed by that divine woman. So while putting turmeric on her body Parvati asked- " Rajkumari Urmila... Or should I say Lakshman Priya Urmila?"
This teasing question of Parvati made her blush. And with a shy smile Urmila replied- "Whatever you like Devi..."
Parvati giggled and said- " You are going to have the biggest responsibility dear Rajkumari. A soldier's wife lives the toughest yet most respected life. And destiny always asks her for sacrifices and returns it with glory. So you are going to be the best wife in this endeavour, Rajkumari Urmila, because you are a warrior by yourself. Till the end of universe, men will worship God and wish to get a wife like you."

Urmila smiled proudly and answered- " I know Devi. In the list of my future husband's priority, I come somewhere around the ending. And I'm so proud of that. I know very well how much sacrifices i have to make. But if I'll be able to help the man I love in any possible way, then every pain... every sacrifice will be nectar of paradise for me. I'll always stand beside him. In every situation..."
Urmila also soulfully touched Parvati's feet and she blessed - "Ahya Sulalakshana bhav"

Lastly she went to Shrutkirti. And by repeating the same way, she said- " And now the youngest and the intellectual Princess... Your wisdom is going to serve Ayodhya greatly in future. A scholar like you will raise the flag of Mithila more and more high. Your influence on society is going to shift many things to a positive direction and enhance the importance of education.

Shrutkirti immediately touch her feet and expressed her gratitude like her other sisters and Parvati blessed- "Ayushmati bhav"

Before leaving Parvati looked at all the princesses once again and joined her palms infront of chest.
" May you all gracefully fulfill the purpose behind your birth and teach the world the true meaning of love... And shine like the brightest stars on the Raghuvanshi sky".

Again all the princesses smiled and bowed down their head infront of Parvati.
Then she turned back to leave and the bride's eyes glued to her divine aura, which had taken all them to a different realm for some moments.

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