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Panchvati... A forest with eye pleasing beauty. Emerald foliage was dancing in the gentle breeze, which was a testament to nature's abundance. Flowers of every hue had adorned the landscape, their fragrant blooms were enticing grace to linger. Crystal-clear lakes were mirroring the sky as well as reflecting the tranquility of the forest. Wildlife were thriving amidst the greenery, which was adding a touch of enchantment to the scene. As sunlight filters through the dense canopy, it was creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadow by casting an ethereal glow upon the surroundings.

In the embrace of that beauty, stood the hut of Ram and Sita, built by Lakshman. Days were passing well for them. Morning was coming with Sita's enchanting prayers and night was ending with tales of Ram. But inbetween these, Lakshman was always focused on his duty, while carrying the symphony of Urmila's love in heart.

In the span of last twelve to thirteen years, he had forgotten what a slumber is. But simultaneously the depth of his vision during meditation had enhanced.
Unlike the initial days, Now Lakshman had become able to talk to the divine woman, whome he was seeing in his vision.

He wanted to know who she is and why her presence feels like Urmila to him. But apart from this questions, he was saying something else to her- "Devi, I know the dilemma, bothering your heart. If you want, you can open your heart to me."

The feminine figure inbetween the milky ocean was letting a sigh out and questing to him- "My Lord, must I really endure separation in every incarnation? Do you not comprehend the anguish of being torn from your presence around me?"

Lakshman never understood, why the goddess like woman calls her 'my lord' and asks about separation. But he could never ask all these, but was following the same pattern everyday.

Things were going slow in three of them's lives. They were desparately waiting for one more year to be over, but little did they knew, what devastation had been waiting at the ending period of this fourteen years of penance.


One day, Lakshman engrossed in the task of fixing the dry grass roof of the humble hut. Suddenly he felt a gaze, lingering upon him from a distance. By turning to investigate, he was met with the sight of a captivating woman standing at a distance. Upon her approach, she identified herself as Princess Meenakshi, hailing from Lanka and sister of Lankapati Ravan. Without preamble, she confessed her admiration for Lakshman, expressing a desire to marry him.

This unexpected proposal elicited amusement from Ram and Sita, who chuckled at the situation. Taking advantage of the lighthearted moment, Ram playfully teased Lakshman, who, in turn, decided to redirect the attention to his elder brother. Lakshman apologised and told her that he is already married and except his wife, he refused to even look at any other woman. But he suggested that Meenakshi should consider Ram for marriage by noting his imminent kingship.

As she turned her head towards Ram, she remained mesmerized again by his charm. Without a second thought, she asked him for marrying her.
However, Ram, true to his unwavering devotion to Sita and his solemn vow of monogamy, gracefully declined Meenakshi's proposal, asking for her forgiveness.

Meenakshi was disappointed but that initial disappointment soon turned to a burning fury. And in a fit of rage, she transformed into a fearsome demoness and reveal her another name Surpnakha, as she realised that Sita, the woman standing beside Ram is his wife and the reason behind Ram's rejection.

With vengeance in her heart, Surpnakha targeted Sita, aiming to eliminate her rival and claim Ram for herself. Before Ram could react, Lakshman sprang into action, swiftly drawing his dagger and hurling it at the demoness with precision. The blade struck true, severing Surpnakha's nose and thwarting her sinister plans, thus ensuring Sita's safety and preserving the sanctity of Ram and Sita's bond.

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