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At the palace....

As planned, Shrutkirti went for bathing and Sita continued the search with Mandvi. As per Janak's daily routine, he meditates under the sun for one hour after bathing. So there was a special seat designed at the mini garden infront of the main building of the palace, where he was meditating daily... which was the next target of Sita and Mandvi..

They went to that mini garden and looked around. - "Didi... we have to be quick.."- Mandvi said.

"Right... pitashree can come here at any moment. We have to leave before that "- Sita responded.

They looked everywhere.... on the seat, under the seat, inbetween the  plants, behind the plants... just every possible place where the letter could be. But they had to be disappointed again because they didn't find it there as well.

"I don't think the letter is here. We should check at some other place"- a tired Mandvi said.

Sita answered- " you are right... let's go to the court room.."

The two sisters ran to the court room. Some workers were cleaning and sweeping the floor. And at that moment Shrutkirti returned after completing her bath. So Mandvi immediately went for her bath and Sita continued the search with Shrutkirti.

The situation of the court room was also similar to the bedroom and garden. Not even the shadow of the letter was present there. Shrutkirti was scanning the royal throne of Janak properly and Sita was asking the workers if they had found any letter. All the workers denied about it and Sita remained hopeless again.
Shrutkirti- "We wasted so much time here didi. I'm sure the letter is not here as well. "

Sita- "Where can it be...? I'm sure Urmila must have kept the letter at that place where Pitashree's eyes will go at any cost.... "

Shrutkirti thought for a moment and asked with glimmed eyes- "The items which are going to ashram for varan vidhi..... let's check them."

The two of them rushed to the chamber where the items of rituals had kept. In the middle of their way Mandvi joined back and Sita had to leave for the bath. So only Shrutkirti and Mandvi went to that perticular chamber.

Under the observation of Chandrabhaga, the four little vidhikaris were decorating and putting necessary items of the ritual on four different golden plates. The sisters slowly stepped inside by dragging their mothers attention.
"Areyy... Mandvi? Kirti..? You are here ?"- Chandrabhaga asked the exact same questions as Sunaina and the sisters had to find a new reason now to search for the letter in those items for ritual.
Shrutkirti answered with an awkward smile- "maa... we were just roaming here and.... came here to see you. "

"Do you need something...?"- Chandrabhaga asked.

Mandvi- "aah.. yes maa... i....."
Chandrabhaga said inbetween- "if yes then please ask Sunaina didi. I have so much work to do here... I can't go anywhere else now.. okay?"

Mandvi's plan of keeping Chandrabhaga busy failed without even starting. She stared cluelessly at Shrutkirti and her lips were also dropped. But they had to check the items anyway.

"But maa... why these kids are doing it. Don't you think it's difficult for them. If you say, we will do it..."- Shrutkirti tried to convince her mother, but all of them started laughing.
"Kirti my child... seems like you are the biggest kid here...."

She pouted and Chandrabhaga continued- "This is a sister's pride to be the do the duties of vidhikari. There is nothing difficult in it. Also I'm here to observe everything. So don't worry. And brides don't do the duties of vidhikari..."
All of them started laughing again.

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