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After Ram, now it was the turn of his other brothers to meet their father. Bharat and Shatrughna ran to Dashrath, then jumped into his arms like two babies after touching his feet and Lakshman followed them slowly. After hugging Bharat and Shatrughna tightly and exchanging couple of sweet words with them, Dashrath grabbed Lakshman's wide shoulders tightly and asked with pride filled eyes- " How are you my little fierce warrior....?? "

Lakshman's cold crystal eyes became numb a little. He looked down by nodding his head gently with a dull smile on lips. - " I'm good Pitashree.... how are you?"

He was trying his best to force that smile on his face and successfully remained unnoticeable by everyone except Dashrath. He hugged his third son and patted his back with a calm smile. Lakshman also wrapped his arms around Dashrath and closed his eyes for a moment. A modest beam of peace came to view on his face when he gently rested his head on his father's shoulder.

" What happened son...?? You don't look happy ?"- Dashrath asked in a tamed tone which was inaudible to everyone except Lakshman. He cleared his throat before answering. - "It's nothing like that... I'm very happy to see you after a month. I'm super excited for bhaiya's marriage as well."

His changed voice was suspicious.... for Ram and for Urmila as well. His eyes were dry hands were loosen, as if something just slipping away from his hands and he is letting it go as well. And the guilt, anger and frustration of this 'letting go' was burning his soul in the fires of inferno.

Urmila was still looking at him cluelessly. She had no idea what made him this stoned today, that he didn't even look at her at least once. But she had no other option than consoling her desparately curious soul by herself.
May be she needs to talk to him.... may be he can open up infront her..... may be she can help him in something...

"Maharaj Dashrath.... Please meet and bless our other three daughters. They are so much excited to meet you as well.."- Janak requested Dashrath and his attention went towards the princesses standing behind Janak and sunaina.

First Mandvi went and soulfully touched Dashrath's feet. " God bless you child.."- Dashrath touched her head with a smile. Janak introduced- "She is Mandvi.. the second Princess of Mithila... Daughter of my brother Kushadhwaj, the king of Sankasya..."

" Pranam Maharaj.... I have heard a lot about your mercy upon our kingdom during the drought and pandemic. It was my heartly desire to meet you and thank you for everything what you have done..... "- Mandvi's sweet words made Dashrath's eyes glim in happiness. -" That's so sweet of you daughter... nice to see you.."

Now it was Urmila's turn, but she was silently haunting for the answers behind Lakshman's sudden unexpected behaviour and was completely unaware of anything that was happening there. Shrutkirti slightly shaked her through elbow but still she was statued. So to avoid everyone's attention Shrutkirti herself went before Urmila.

"Maharaj, She is Shrutkirti. Kushadhwaj's youngest daughter.. our youngest princess."- Janak introduced her.
She again joined palms infront of chest and downed her head by touching the king's feet. - " Please accept my pranam Maharaj... "
"May you live long daughter... "- Dashrath touched her head with a smile again.

Now every attention went to Urmila. And she was still lost in her thoughts. Her eyes were glued to Lakshman while he was the only one who wasn't looking at Urmila at that moment.

Mandvi and Shrutkirti were trying their best to signal Urmila because Maharaj Dashrath was also looking at her. She understood that every eye was on her.... except Lakshman. It broke her heart that he was purposefully avoiding her. Did she do something wrong or what?? The last time when they met, and went to the Neel kamal pond together... he was totally fine. He expressed his love and affection. Nothing serious had happened between them... then why was he not even looking at her? What just happened in that one day that his behaviour has changed?

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