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Lakshman pointed at some children deciples who were playing near the guest house of the Ashram. "Come with me.."- He went near those children and Urmila followed him.

The children immediately bowed down to Lakshman and Urmila.
- "Pranam Rajkumari Urmila.. Pranam Rajkumar Lakshman..

Both of them smiled widely to those children and Lakshman said- "Pranam... , can we play with you all...."
"You will play with us ? Really?"- kids asked super excitedly.
"Ofcourse"- lakshman replied.

Those kids because immensely happy. Lakshman pulled Urmila to the centre and said- " So Rajkumari Urmila, here we are playing a game. The rules are simple....
As you can see, there are seven flat stones, which are placed on upon another according to their size. And here I have a ball in my hand through which....."
Without letting Lakshman complete his explanation, Urmila said- "which you will throw at the stones to scatter then you will run to gather all the scattered stones back and place them according to their size again while others will try to break it. If you will succeed in building the stone tower again, then you will win. If others will break your towers in between then you will lose..... I know this game very well Rajkumar Lakshman. "

Urmila's confidence made Lakshman smirk.-
" That's great... so both of us have only one chance to build the stone tower without letting the ball touch it. If you will win, then I'll accept that you are the best cook of Mithila after Rajkumari Sita. And if I win, then you have to accept that you put salt in kheer and milk in daal.... are you ready for it.."

Urmila answered proudly - "ofcourse I am..."

First it was Lakshman's turn. So Urmila tightly tied her extra long angavastram on her waist and secured her open hairs into a bun to defeat him.

Lakshman easily hit the stone tower in one go. How could it be difficult for a finest archer like him. So he immediately ran to collect the stones according to their size and Urmila along with the kids ran to get the ball and hit the stones to break the tower. But no body was able to do it. Even Urmila also tried her best but still Lakshman saved himself and his tower effortlessly from every strike.

Finally he put the 7th and smallest stone on the top and his tower was complete. Lakshman ran his hands proudly through his long hair with a smirk which made Urmila frown.

Now it was Urmila's turn. Since she is also a fantastic archer, she also hit the tower in one go. Then she ran immediately to rebuild the tower. All the kids were trying their best again to break Urmila's tower but Lakshman was just standing at one place and silently seeing Urmila, who was chuckling at the kids and playing smart to save herself and her tower from strikes. An unknown smile bloomed on Lakshman's face and his heart gave him a warning for somthing. Urmila also realised that without breaking her tower, Lakshman is just staring at her with a unique gaze. But still her mind was busy in the game.

Finally Urmila was going put the last stone on top, just then Lakshman grabbed the ball from someone's hand and hit her tower with the speed of light. The stones again scattered everywhere and way far from eachother.....

Urmila just couldn't believe what happened on the last moment, while kids were cheering and congratulating Lakshman for his victory.

But his eyes were just fixed on Urmila. Finally he saw some different and cute emotions on her face.

Urmila just kept standing quitely with the anger of last moment defeat, until Lakshman came near her. - " So Rajkumari Urmila, I hope your smart brain remembers the condition of this challenge.... "

Urmila exclaimed without even looking at Lakshman- "Ofcourse I remember.... But I won't say it... because it's a lie. I have never put salt in kheer or milk in daal. Then why would I say so ?"

" Because this was the condition dear Rajkumari.... and you had accepted it. So now you have to say.."- Lakshman's saying made her turn towards him.
"But that is a lie.... And I Rajkumari Urmila, never lie... "

"I don't know about those... all I know is the condition of the game... from which you are trying to run away. "- a teasing smile appeared on his face.

Urmila- "But I don't..........."
"You can't predict someone's cooking skills by playing games with them Lakshman..."- another soft voice interrupted Lakshman and Urmila's conversation.

Lakshman's teasing smile vanished and eyes went round in shock when he realised that it's none other than his brother Ram, who was observing the entire event from far.
"And Rajkumari Urmila played really well. If i would have to predict her cooking skills by watching her game, i would say that she must be a great cook..."-Ram added.

A smile of satisfaction and gratitude appeared on Urmila's face and she generously joined her palm near chest and said- " Thank you so much Rajkumar Ram. I'm glad you recognised my skills.

Urmila passed a smile of pride to Lakshman, who was just staring at her silently. Then she suddenly remembered that she was here to welcome Lakshman. But ended up playing like a kid with him. She slowly bit her tongue because she knew what Mandvi will do to her, because she just ruined her entire plan in the rage.

" Rajkumar Ram, i think I should leave now. There are so many works at the palace. Please arrive on time for the lunch..."- Urmila politely requested Ram.

Ram- " Don't worry Rajkumari, I'll definitely be on time..."

Before leaving Urmila slowly looked at Lakshman. Her gaze softened a little and his gaze was fixed on her as usual. Then She uttered- " And Please bring your shadow with yourself also.... "

This sentence made Lakshman look down and smile gently. Ram also chuckled after seeing his brother's reaction and replied- "ofcourse "

Urmila left with a smile and Lakshman's eyes were fixed on her until she entirely vanished from his sight.

But Ram's eyes were fixed on Lakshman and when Lakshman realised this he immediately tried to hide his smile.

Ram didn't say anything and just kept looking at his brother. And to avoid the silence Lakshman said- "Did you see bhaiya, I defeated her... easily... "

Ram nodded his head and replied- " yes my brother... and congratulations for that... congratulations for Rajkumari Urmila's victory and your defeat..."

Lakshman became surprised- " But bhaiya... i won... "

Ram- "That's just an illusion Lakshman... in reality It's Rajkumari Urmila, who won.... She won it.. "

LAKSHMAN PRIYA Where stories live. Discover now