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Narrator's POV

Ray and Rose Molina just moved into their new house. It was big and flashy and right in the heart of Hollywood. It was perfect for their growing family. Their daughter, Julie was 5 years old and their son Carlos was just a baby.

Within a week of their arrival at the house they were greeted by over-friendly neighbors, The Patterson's.

"Welcome to the neighborhood!" Mrs. Patterson shook Rose's hand.

"Thank you, I'm Rose Molina."

"I'm Emily Patterson and this is my husband Mitch and our son Luke." She smiled. Rose noticed the little boy standing with them; he looked about the same age as her daughter, maybe a little older.

"Please come in, and umm, Luke, was it? If you want you can play with my daughter, she's just outside."

Luke looked to his parents and they nodded for him to listen. They went inside and Luke found his way to the back of the house.

"What a lovely home!" He could hear his mom's complement from inside as he continued to walk. Once he was in the backyard he saw a small girl playing with rocks. Luke approached her.

"Who are you?" The girl demanded. She had long dark brown hair pulled up into pigtails. She wore a purple top with blue sparkly jeans. She stomped her foot on the ground for him to answer, making her sneakers to light up.

"I'm Luke, my parents are inside, we live down the street." He explained. The little girl nodded.

"I'm Julie." She said quickly then turned back to what she was doing. Luke stood there for a minute watching her. She'd pick up a rock then threw one at the fence. She would wait for the sound to reach her ears before either putting it in her little bucket or tossing it aside. After a few rocks Luke decided to ask.

"What are you doing?"

She didn't turn and face him when she replied. "Testing rocks."

"To see what they sound like!" She explained but still had her back to him.

"But why?" Luke was still confused. Rocks had sound?

She turned back at him and held two rocks in her hand when she said, "Look," She threw the first rock at the fence. It made a loud crash sound as it hit the fence. "Now watch this" She threw the next rock at the fence. It made a different sound when it hit. More of a ding, then a crash.

"They sound different." She tossed the second rock into the bucket and the first one aside then looked back at him. "Wanna try?" She handed him a rock and he flung it at the fence making a quieter crashing sound.

"Come on, you can do better than that!" Julie yelled, picking up the same rock but using ten times more energy to throw it. It made a louder crashing sound this time when it hit.

Luke laughed then grabbed another rock and tossed it with all his might and this time it hit louder making Julie smile.

"Is that better?" He asked her.

"Yes, much better but you could work on your speed." She admitted.

After a long time of throwing rocks Luke asked Julie something.

"Why do you care what they sound like?"

"To form a song! Duh!"


"Because it's way easier than piano" Just then Julie's eyes lit up. "Wait, can I show you something?"

Luke nodded and she took his hand and dragged him out of the backyard and into their family's garage.

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