Finally Free Part 1

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Julie's POV

I woke up the morning after the dance and for a second, I fought where I was. I had slept over Flynn's house but where was she? I was laying on her floor on a tiny air mattress, I felt around for my phone that must have been on the floor. When I finally reached it, I looked at the time.


Dang it! How had I slept so long? I looked up at Flynns bed and she was gone! Did she really just leave me here, in her house on a school day? I thought I had told her to wake me up.

I groaned then got off of the floor, quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth then ran out of Flynn's house just in case her parents were home. I ran to school, which was much faster than if I was running from my house.

Once I got there I headed for my first class (Which was really my fourth class), apologized for being late and took my spot next to Flynn, who turned to me smiling.

"Why didn't you wake me up! I missed my first three classes!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, but you looked so peaceful and I figured you'd wake up on your own, but then you didn't... so,"

"It's fine."

"Okay good, so we have to talk about last night, we killed it!" She cheered.

"Yeah we did but-"

"What?" She cut me off.

"It's true we were awesome but I can't stop thinking about the guys, they said they were going to be there, but they weren't. I'm not mad or anything it's just weird because-"

"Cause where else would they have to go?" She finished for me.

"Yeah, it's just funny that's all."

"So how are you really feeling that they're back and all?" She asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean your best friends, besides me, died and now they're back, but most of the time you can't see them, and you can't touch them, and you most definitely still have a crush on that sleeveless guitar player that you will never admit to."


"Don't say it's not true."

I sighed "It's great the guys are back, even though I can't always see them but yeah, it still hurts a little."

"And..." She said wait for me to finish.

"And maybe I still have a crush on Luke, I mean do you remember what happened the night before they died!"

"I do, but Jules, he's so not real."

"I know, Flynn, I know."

"Sorry I just don't want you to get your heart broken, again."


"Oh don't tell me you don't remember what happened with you and Nick back in the seventh grade."

Oh, I did remember that. Before I had a crush on Luke I had a crush on Nick, which did not end well.

I opened my locker carefully, making sure I got to each number before opening. I had messed it up twice before, this. Just as I opened the lock, I felt someone pull my hoodie back, I turned around to see Reggie pulling at it.

"Reggie!" I shouted at him.

"Sorry," He laughed, "But look!" He handed me a slip of paper.

"A dance?"

"Yeah! It's a winter dance!" He exclaimed.

"And you're showing this to me, why?"

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