The Other Side of Hollywood Part 2

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Author's note

Before you start reading I would like to say that most of this chapter is directly from the show, I recommend still reading because of some changes. Also this is one of the reasons this chapter took so long, I rewatched this episode more times then I can count, but anyway, enjoy!


Reggie POV

The place we entered was so cool and a bit creepy! It was this big hotel looking building, just for ghosts, probably. We followed Willie and we entered a large room, with a huge stage in the middle, and below us were tables and chairs. I looked around then spotted a sign, reading 'Hollywood Ghost Club', yea this place could totally be a club.

"Right this way." Willie said.

"Whoa. So this is where your hotshot ghost lives, huh?"

Willie nodded and Alex continued "Yeah, we've walked past this hotel, like, a million times. How come we've never heard of it?"

"That's because this area has been sealed off for decades. I mean, you wouldn't even know this place exists unless you're invited." Makes sense, if I had a big club I wouldn't want to share it. "

"All right. I gotta go make sure everything's cool, but I'll be right back." Willie left and I pointed out the sign to Luke and Alex "Hollywood Ghost Club? This place is creepy."

"Yeah, well, so are we." Alex tried to be strong, which I rarely saw.

"I don't know about this." I admitted.

"Well, if you get scared, you... you can always hide behind me. I'll be hiding behind Luke."

"You guys need to grow up, okay?" Luke was all serious.

"Yeah. I'm still gonna hide behind him." Alex whispered to me.

Willie poofed back next to us "We're all good. Let's go." Willie walked to the stairs then slid down there "Normally, I'd have my deck, and I'd backboard this heavy 20 set, but tonight... we have company. Hope you guys are ready for this."

"Wow! Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing?" Alex exclaimed. The room was full of people all dressed in the nicest of clothes that money could buy.

"I think we're a little overdressed." Luke said as we walked down the stairs, once we had gotten to the bottom people walked right through us. Hold on...

"Whoa! I thought these people were all going to be ghosts."

"These are all lifers." Willie explained.

"Oh, uh, lifers are actually..." Alex started but I cut in.

"Alive people. I was listening."

"But this is a very exclusive crowd. Everybody here has, uh, paid a lot to get a sneak peek at the afterlife."

"I always knew rich people did weird stuff like this." I laughed.

Then a man came up to us dressed in a fancy white suit "Gentlemen, I have a table for you. Right this way." He led us to a table that was reserved. "William." He took the paper off that reserved the table.

"Oh yeah. Thanks, man."

"Okay. So who's gonna make us visible?" Luke asked.

"Oh no, no. None of these lifers have the power to do that. Oh, but here comes the ghost who does" Willie tapped his hands against the wood.

"Ladies and gentlemen, back from the dead by popular demand, please welcome Caleb Covington!"

The crowd cheered loudly when a man dressed in a fancy outfit appeared, flouting out of thin air.

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