Flying Solo Part 1

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Luke's POV

Julie and Flynn did amazing! I knew Bright would work. Alex, Reggie and I watched as the crowd cheered, then quickly ran off to class. I could see them talking to the teachers, then Julie ran over to us.

"Guys!" She shouted to the empty gym.

"Julie, you were incredible!" Reggie squealed.

" He's right you killed it!" Alex agreed.

"I knew you would rock it!" I smiled.

"Thanks and I got back into the music program." She twirled around and we clapped, we did that when we were alive too. "I still can't believe you guys are back, but you'll probably disappear for me in a second."

"It's ok, I think our time is getting longer, we'll have to test it later." Alex said.

"Yea, but I have to get to class, just." She paused. "Be careful ok?" Julie was always protective, always. Even though she was younger than me she seemed older. Not only was she protective, she also kept us in line. Once, when she was in ninth grade and we were in tenth she had to talk us out of getting fake ids. It wasn't our best moment.

"Ok so it's simple all we need to do is-" I stared, then Julie walked in. We huddled around the floor of the studio and she kneeled down next to us.

"What are you guys doing?" I looked at Alex and Reggie who were clearly about to say something crazy.

"Nothing!" I shouted.

"Umm, music!" Alex tried.

"Puppies!" Reggie yelled.

Dang it! He blew it.

All our heads turned to him, in utter confusion. Alex placed his head into his arms. "Reggie!"

"Ok clearly you're lying, what are you doing?" She asked again.

"We were just..." I looked to them for advice.

"Brainstorming a birthday gift!" Alex said as more of a question. We were toast, her birthday wasn't for months.

"It's a little early don't you think."
"Wow she bought it!" Reggie whispered to me.

"It's sarcasm!" I yelled back.

"One of you better tell me what's going on, right now!" She shouted.

"Well, we got a gig without you."

Julie wasn't that stupid, she knew I was hiding something. Or maybe I was just a terrible liar.

"What kind of gig?" She mumbled.


"A club! It looks super cool. But there is one problem, we lied so they think we're twenty one, but we're not so we need fake ids, and Luke's friend is going to help us!" Reggie cheered.

"Reggie!" Me and Alex said at the same time.

"Guys! You can't sneak into a club! That's illegal!" Julie shouted.

"Yes, but they hired us." I challenged.

The problem was Julie knew how to get her way, the three of us knew that we would have to work really hard to get what we wanted.

"Well, good luck." Julie said, then walked out. I turned back to the guys.

"We're in trouble." Alex sighed.

"He's right." I sighed.
The next day I waited for Julie to walk to school, as I always did. She walked down the path of her house with her pretty skirt and colorful shoes. We were about halfway to school when a new conversation started.

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