Flying Solo Part 2

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Alex's POV

Once I was standing on my feet again, I looked to the person who ran me over, and whoa. He was, whoa.

"Oh man! Oh, you dinged my board." The stranger said, staring at his skateboard.

"I dinged your board? Dude, you ran me over. You're lucky I didn't... Y-Y-You... you... you ran me over. You're a ghost?" Reality seemed to kick back in and I realized I was talking to a ghost.

"Yeah. Ever since I learned the hard way that... skating in traffic was bad. Hey, sorry I, uh, smashed into you. I thought you were a lifer, and I'd just pass right through."

"Uh, a lifer?" That was a new word.

"Yeah, that's, uh... That's what we call people who are living. You're new to this whole ghost thing, aren't you?" He laughed.

"Yeah. Is it that obvious?"

"Totally. Hey, I'm, uh... I'm Willie."

"Oh, uh, Alex."

"So, um, what brings you to Hollywood, man? You, uh, sightseeing? Picture with that, uh... Marilyn girl?" Willie asked.

"Uh... Yeah, actually, I was having a minor afterlife crisis, so, you know, just clearing my head until you tried to crack it open."

"I did pancake you, huh? I'm sorry. Um, so, minor afterlife crisis?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I just... I just keep freaking out about everything, you know? Shouldn't we be in Heaven or something?"

"Who's we?"

"Oh, uh, me and my bandmates. We all died." I admitted.

"Right. Now, that's tragic, man. You guys had some kind of accident, or..." He cut off

"Yeah. Yeah, you could... you could say that. We ate some bad hot dogs."

He laughed again "Whoa! No way."


"Weirdly, that is what happened to Mozart."

"Wow. That's actually comforting. Thank you." It kinda was nice to know. "Hey, do you mind if I ask you a couple more questions?"

"That's kind of your thing, isn't it? All right. You just gotta keep up." He began to skate away, so I sprinted after him.

"Hey! Um... wait up!"


I eventually caught up to him, so we sat down and I finally got to talk to someone besides Luke or Reggie.

"I mean, it's just... it's just so random, you know, that we disappear for a year, and then Julie plays our CD, and then bam! We're back."

"It's kind of funny, right? You thought when you died you'd get all these answers, and now you just have more questions. "

"Hilarious." We both laughed.

"So, who's this, um... Julie?"

Oh, she was our best friend before we died. Did I mention she can see us? You understand my whole freaking out thing?"

"A lifer can see you?"

"Not exactly, it's weird she can see us sometimes. But if we play music she can hear it"

"Whoa, I've never heard of that happening before. Maybe this Julie's connected to your unfinished business." More unfamiliar words.

"Mm-hmm. Yes. Totally. I would completely agree if I had any clue what you're talking about."

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